Friday, May 31, 2019

"Majority of One" May 31 Readings: 2 Kings 5-6, John 8:31–59, Psalm 69:1–6, Proverbs 14:11-12

Today's Readings2 Kings 5-6, John 8:31–59, Psalm 69:1–6, Proverbs 14:11-12

Devotional - Majority of One

The king of Aram was annoyed with Elisha. He had suspected that he had a spy among his ranks who was giving information to the Israelites, but he found out that it was actually the prophet who was getting the most trustworthy information imaginable - the wisdom of God. There was only one thing he could do. Elisha had to go.

So, he sent a massive army to Dothan where Elisha was staying to take care of this problem. As usual, when evil men plan their evil deeds, they forget the power of God. He assumed he could just march down and take care of one little prophet.

It was a serious miscalculation, and the story is recorded in 2 Kings 6.

It was a miscalculation that Elisha's servant also made. He got up early and saw the vast Aramean army arrayed around him and fear choked him. In his panic, he called out to Elisha asking what they were to do. Elisha responded with a very strange statement.
“Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” 2 Kings 6:16

It was Elisha, the servant and maybe a few others against an entire army. That was it. But he was making the same mistake as the king of Aram. He forgot all about God. Elisha prayed and asked God to open his eyes to the reality of the spiritual realm.

The servant looked again and saw what he hadn't seen before. The mountain was covered with horses and chariots of fire. God's servants were there and they vastly outnumbered the army of Aram.

We are seldom granted the blessing that servant received that day, but we need to realize the truth that he discovered. God is with us. His power is all around us; he is in us! When enemies come against us, we are not left to our own devices. We must walk by faith, not by sight, but we can trust that the armies that surrounded Elisha that day are also working on behalf of God's people today. While it looks so much like evil is winning in this world, that is a mirage. God's power is greater than anything in this world and in the end he will establish his kingdom and rule this world in righteousness.

In this wicked world, we must walk by the faith that our God of power still holds the reigns of authority, even when it looks like the enemy has the edge.
Father, I so often forget your power. Help me to see with the eyes of faith the powerful forces arrayed all around. May I trust you and walk in faith, not fear. 

Think and Pray

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

Thursday, May 30, 2019

"Light of the World" May 30 Readings: 2 Kings 3-4, John 8:12–30, Psalm 68:29–35, Proverbs 14:9-10

Today's Readings2 Kings 3-4, John 8:12–30, Psalm 68:29–35, Proverbs 14:9-10

Devotional - Light of the World

In John 8:12 Jesus made a bold claim - both simple and profound.
I am the Light of the World.
This world is darkened by sin and only Jesus can do anything about it. Education is a wonderful and positive thing, but education can never enlighten the human soul. Only Jesus can. Philosophers argue the riddles of life and psychologists try to understand the workings of the human mind. But they cannot do anything but help people live a little better in the darkness. The neon lights of entertainment try to shine but they are fleeting and can never provide true light. The world tells us to look inside ourselves for the light but our inborn sin guarantees that this will never succeed.

We human beings will look to everything and everyone for the light we need, but too often we fail to look to the source of real life. Jesus is that light. When you are confused, look to him. When you are discouraged and depressed, look to him. When you are overwhelmed and stressed, look to him. His light is the true light.

But the fact that Jesus is the light of the world requires one more thing of us. Jesus told his disciples that they were the light of the world. Jesus is the Sun, but we are the moon. We reflect the light of Jesus Christ into this world. The light of Jesus, our Savior, shines not only on us and in us, but through us to the world of darkness.

Father, may the light of Christ shine in me to guide and strengthen me, and may it shine through me to this world of darkness. 

Think and Pray

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

Where do you go for wisdom and direction? Do you look to experts? To your own wisdom and common sense? Or do you trust the Light of the World?

Are you living as the light of the world, reflect the light that the Light of the World shines on you?

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

"Jesus the Divider" May 29 Readings: 2 Kings 1-2, John 7:40–8:11, Psalm 68:22–28, Proverbs 14:7-8

Today's Readings2 Kings 1-2, John 7:40–8:11, Psalm 68:22–28, Proverbs 14:7-8

Devotional - Jesus the Divider

It is a constant refrain in politics. "I want to unite the country." "I'm a uniter, not a divider," said one former president. It is also a theme heard continually in the church. We love unity and we should. God does not bless or use the divided church.

But we sometimes forget the nature of unity. Unity in the church is the product of division. God calls us out of the world and we must walk away. We must turn our backs on sin and turn to Christ with full hearts. We stand against the ways of the sinful world and live by different values. Jesus told his disciples that he did not come to bring peace but to bring a sword.

In John 7 he did just that. He appeared at the Feast of Booths and began to preach. In verse 25, "some of the people" drew a conclusion. This must be the Christ, the Messiah we've awaited so long. In verse 31 they asked if the Messiah would be expected to do any more signs than this man had done. This was him.

But others had another opinion. Verses 43-44 say that a great division arose among the people and some wanted to arrest him. Some believed in him and others wanted to arrest him.

If you want everyone to love you, serving Christ is not your best choice. For everyone who loves and supports you, there will be those who oppose you, who think you are crazy, stupid, evil, or dangerous. The first step in uniting with Christ is rejecting the world. The first step in uniting around Christ is separating from the world.

Christians should always pursue unity with one another, being gracious, willing to forgive, to show love, to go the second mile. But we must understand that our unity within the Body comes at a cost. We cannot be one with Christ and please the world too. We cannot walk in spiritual unity while also being part of this sinful world. It just doesn't work that way!

The call to come to Christ is a call the leave something behind. Christ unites us, but only after he divides us from our sin and from this sinful world. The world that hated him will sometimes hate us.

Father, help me to live for your glory and honor, not to be loved by the world or to receive its approval. Remind me daily that the fear of man is a snare. 

Think and Pray

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

Do you live for other's approval or by other's opinions?
Do you fear what others will say about you and allow that to govern your actions?

Remember that the call to serve Jesus is also a call to reject the will of man and the ways of the world. Think and pray about what that might look like in your life. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

"I Hate Him" May 28 Readings: 1 Kings 21-22, John 7:25–39, Psalm 68:15–21, Proverbs 14:5-6

Today's Readings1 Kings 21-22, John 7:25–39, Psalm 68:15–21, Proverbs 14:5-6

Devotional - I Hate Him

Ahab hated Micaiah, the prophet. He hated him so much he wouldn't even consult him when Jehoshaphat wanted to get wisdom from a prophet of God. 1 Kings 22:8 states it clearly.

But I hate him, for he never prophesies good concerning me, but evil.
Ahab had a point. A true prophet of God could not say anything good about the wicked Ahab, who lived in rebellion against God and his laws. Ahab had his yes-men around him who told him God was okay with him, that everything he did was good and that God would give him success. But Micaiah made it clear this was wrong. The prophets were not speaking for God, but for themselves.

Ahab rejected the truth that Micaiah prophesied and went out to war, threatening to kill Micaiah when he got home. He never came home. A stray arrow fulfilled the word of God against him and Ahab died that day.

There are two lessons we can take from this story.

First, the word of God is true even if it is uncomfortable. The Bible shows us our hearts, our sinful and arrogant souls - it shows us exactly who we are. And that truth is often uncomfortable. We like to think we are okay, to ignore our sin. But the Word of God doesn't do that. It exalts Christ, it humbles us and it demands our submission. And it is true.

Second, there is no blessing in ignoring God's Word. Ahab didn't like what God said, so he ignored it, and suffered a fatal injury for his hubris. Our duty is to listen to God's Word and to submit to it, whether we like it or not.

Ahab thought he could live by his own wisdom and follow his own rules. He did, and it cost him dearly. Neither can we succeed in life by rebelling from God's commands.

Father, I don't always like what your word says about me, but I realize its truth, its authority and I submit to it. You are my Lord and your Word is my truth. 

Think and Pray

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

The word of God can be harsh, unsettling, and challenging. But remember that it is better to submit to its truth and be transformed by it than to try to mold it to your will.
Have you ever considered the absolute arrogance of the person who demands that the word of God be molded to his or her desires, will, emotions, or convictions?

Monday, May 27, 2019

"Sticks and Stones" May 27 Readings: 1 Kings 19-20, John 7:1–24, Psalm 68:8–14, Proverbs 14:3-4

Today's Readings1 Kings 19-20, John 7:1–24, Psalm 68:8–14, Proverbs 14:3-4

Devotional - Sticks and Stones

'Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."
Is there less truth in any of the bromides we learned as children? I've been hurt by sticks and stones (generally from horsing around - I do very little ninja fighting!) and they leave a few bruises and a scar or two. The pain goes away and is forgotten.

But when people say insulting, degrading things to me it hurts far more than any physical injury I've had. If I allow myself to, I can think back to words people said to me many years ago and I can still experience pain from the memory. Words have a powerful impact on us.

One of the most devastating results of these hurtful words is discouragement. We are trying to do God's work and someone drops a verbal bomb on us. It feels like the shrapnel strikes us deep in our hearts and churns us up inside - troubled days and sleepless nights ensue. And the tendency is to want to give up, to wilt under the criticism and simply seek to quit.

When we are tempted to quit because of criticism or hurtful words, all we need do is read the gospels. Jesus, the sinless Son of God was unfairly criticized and slandered time and again. If the perfect Christ received such criticism how can imperfect folks like us hope to escape it?

In John 7 Jesus was at a feast in Jerusalem and he began to confront the religious leaders over their sin. Jesus saw through to their hearts and accused them of wanting to kill him. They denied it and in the process, they said this, in verse 20.
"You have a demon." 
That's pretty harsh, isn't it? They denied that Jesus was a servant of the Father in heaven and accused him of being under the control of the Evil one. It was absurd, of course, but it was the kind of criticism that hurts and discourages us.

Jesus did not allow himself or his ministry to be derailed. He continued to serve the Father in spite of what anyone said about him. He cared only for the approval and pleasure of the Living God of heaven. We must do the same. He just kept going in the service of God whether the crowds worshiped him or criticized him.

The servant of God who gives up when criticism comes will never be effective. Words can hurt, but they must never hinder the work of God in us.
Father, too often I live for man's approval and under slavery to man's opinions of me. Help me to serve you with all my heart and live for your glory alone. 

Think and Pray

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

Do you allow yourself to be discouraged by unkind or critical words from others?

Sunday, May 26, 2019

"Kill the Messenger" May 26 Readings: 1 Kings 17-18, John 6:49–71, Psalm 68:1–7, Proverbs 14:1-2

Today's Readings 1 Kings 17-18, John 6:49–71, Psalm 68:1–7, Proverbs 14:1-2

Devotional - Kill the Messenger

"Don't kill the messenger."

But that is exactly what Ahab wanted to do. The phrase is meant to show the absurdity of attacking the bearer of bad news. It was not uncommon in the days when kings had absolute and sometimes capricious power that they would take unjust vengeance on the person who delivered an unwanted message.

Elijah was just such a messenger. In 1 Kings 17, he delivered the message of God's judgment on sinful Israel. The blessings of heaven would be cut off as long as Ahab and his people continued 18in their sin. Look at verse 1.
“As the Lord, the God of Israel, lives, before whom I stand, there shall be neither dew nor rain these years, except by my word.”
This was not Elijah's idea or his doing. It was the judgment of God. There would be no rain for years until repentance came. This would bring a drought and great pain and suffering. But it did not bring repentance in Ahab's hardened heart. Instead of blaming himself and getting right with God, he turned his ire at the prophet who carried the message of God. 

Finally, after over three years of drought and famine, Elijah appeared before Ahab. it was clear that his heart had not softened to God, that repentance had not come. He looked at Elijah and put all the blame on him. 
"Is it you, you troubler of Israel?
Ahab was blaming the messenger. You, Elijah, you are the problem. For preaching the truth. For telling people what God really said. For exposing people's sins. Ahab would not take the blame for his sins, he wanted to pin the blame on Elijah for shining a light on it. 

Elijah wouldn't have it. He came back at Ahab in 1 Kings 18:18. 
“I have not troubled Israel, but you have, and your father's house, because you have abandoned the commandments of the Lord and followed the Baals."
He went on to challenge him to a contest on Mt. Carmel to demonstrate that Yahweh truly was the real God of Israel. But the point is this: the world will often blame us for our message. Those in sin hate the truth. In fact, sometimes we may not like the truth much ourselves. But our duty is to be messengers of the truth even if it is unpopular, even if the world hates us for our message.

Truth is defined by God's Word, not the reaction of Ahab when we proclaim what God says. Just because Ahab hates the truth and hates us for proclaiming it doesn't make the truth any less true. Remember how the story ended. At the end, Israel saw who the real God was and cried out, "Yahweh, he is God. Yahweh, he is God."

Father, may I be responsible to you, not to the opinions and reactions of those who live in sin.  

Think and Pray

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

Do you accept responsibility for your actions before God and the consequences of them, or do you play the blame game?

Saturday, May 25, 2019

"Is Jesus Enough?" May 25 Readings: 1 Kings 15-16, John 6:22–48, Psalm 67, Proverbs 13:23-25

Today's Readings 1 Kings 15-16, John 6:22–48, Psalm 67, Proverbs 13:23-25

Devotional - Is Jesus Enough? 

The crowds were looking for Jesus, and that should have been a good thing, but Jesus knew better. They were coming to him for all the wrong reasons. In verse 26, Jesus calls their bluff. They weren't seeking him because of a deep desire for God, but simply because he had fed them. They wanted another free meal. Free bread from Jesus. 

So Jesus tried to raise their sights a little. "Do not work for food that perishes, but for food that endures to eternal life." He promised to give them that kind of food. After a discussion that included Moses, and manna, and some other side topics, they were finally ready for this bread. They wanted it! Bread that lasted unto eternity. That sounded really good. So, they said to Jesus, "Sir, give us this bread always." 

That is when Jesus burst their bubble wide open. They wanted some kind of miracle, something wonderful, spectacular, impressive. But what Jesus was offering was something far better than they imagined. 
"I am the bread of life."

Coming to Jesus satisfied the soul - true bread and true water. Jesus wasn't offering them a meal, he was offering himself. Jesus doesn't offer us a smorgasbord of blessings, he offers us, well, Jesus! When we get him we get everything we need. Throughout John, there are "I am" statements which tell us who Jesus is and what he brings when he comes to us. "I am the resurrection and the life." "I am the way, the truth, and the life." "I am the Good Shepherd." I am. I am. I am. What I need, Jesus is. 

But his listeners didn't see it that way. They wanted meals. They wanted miracles. They wanted tricks and entertainment and flashy moments. They didn't want "just Jesus." 

That's when things turned ugly. We have to peek into tomorrow's reading to get the rest of the story, but it is important to look at it. First, they grumbled among themselves. We aren't going to get what we want. Jesus is asking for more than we want to give and all he is offering is himself. Then, in verse 52, they began to dispute among themselves about Jesus' meaning and whether he could really be all he said he was. 

Jesus ratcheted up his teachings by talking about his death and how they had to participate in it, even speaking about eating his flesh and drinking his blood - hinting of communion, of his death and resurrection. 

That's when they turned away from Jesus. That's when they left him. Why? 
Jesus was not enough!

They wanted more! They wanted excitement and entertainment and miracles and food and all those things they had seen Jesus do. Jesus said I want you to die, and to give yourself completely to me. I want to be everything to you and I want you to give everything to me. 100% - unreservedly, with nothing held back. 

Why isn't Jesus enough? Why do we always think we need something more? What I need, he is. All I need to do is die to self and give him my body as a living sacrifice. 

Why, Lord, do I act as if you and your grace is not enough? Why do I pretend I need something more than you and what you give? Help me to remember that you are all I need. 

Think and Pray

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

Is Jesus enough for you, or do you use him, and your faith in him, as a means to get other things? What is the goal of your faith?

Friday, May 24, 2019

"What Only God Can Do" May 24 Readings: 1 Kings 13-14, John 6:1–21, Psalm 66:16–20, Proverbs 13:21-22

Today's Readings1 Kings 13-14, John 6:1–21, Psalm 66:16–20, Proverbs 13:21-22

Devotional - What Only God Can Do

It is one of the few stories of Jesus that is recorded in every one of the four gospels. Jesus, with an enormous crowd surrounding him, called on his disciples to feed the multitude. They threw up their hands in failure - what could they do? There was not enough food among them to feed the Twelve, much less the thousands around them. But Jesus was there that day not primarily to do a miracle that would amaze the crowds, but to reveal himself to his disciples and to build their faith.

They brought him the five loaves and the two fish that a young boy had brought - all the food that was in the crowd. Jesus took it, blessed it and started to divide it among the crowds. After everyone had their fill, there were 12 baskets of food left over for fish sandwiches later.

It was a stupendous display of supernatural power. But it was more than that. It was a template for how God works in his followers.

First, God always calls us to tasks that are beyond our power, abilities and resources. In one of the other gospels, Jesus commands the disciples to feed the people. He ordered them to do what they could not. God calls us to tasks that are beyond our abilities and resources. He doesn't just give you what you can handle. He doesn't ask you for your best. He calls on you to give and to do that which is so far out of the range of your abilities that it is absurd.

Second, God demands that what little we have be given to him. It is not about how much ability we have, how many talents or what our resources are. But whatever we are, whatever we have, it must be given to God and devoted to God's glory. We are called to give our bodies to him as living sacrifices.

Third, God does in and through us by his power what we are incapable of doing on our own. He sanctifies us, cleanses us, empowers us and uses us in ways that only he can get the glory. The disciples took food to every person that was there that day in spite of the fact that they didn't have the food. They gave to others what God provided for them.

Finally, God works abundantly through his people. There were 12 baskets of leftovers after the meal. God did not just give enough, he lavished his blessing. God lavishes his love on us and gives us blessings beyond our imagination.
Father, I thank you that when I give myself to you, you do your work through me, by your power and grace. Amen!

Think and Pray

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

Do you tend to view your ministry and service in terms of what your resources are or what God can do?

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Pray for Dave in Senegal: Day 10 - May 23

We leave just before midnight for an overnight flight to JFK. After clearing customs I have a flight to Minneapolis and then to Omaha. I believe I return around suppertime, then have to drive home.

Pray for our flights and fot those we ministered to during the trip.

Thank you to each of you who prayed. I hope to be able to give some report, certainly at the church and perhaps here on this blog.

"The Wise and Fool of Solomon" May 23 Readings: 1 Kings 11-12, John 5:30–47, Psalm 66:9–15, Proverbs 13:19-20

Today's Readings 1 Kings 11-12, John 5:30–47, Psalm 66:9–15, Proverbs 13:19-20

Devotional - The Wise and Fool of Solomon

Solomon is one of the tragic stories in the Bible. In many ways, he was a great success, and by worldly terms, the glory of his kingdom surpassed even that of his father's, King David. The borders of Israel were expanded, buildings were built, including the Temple, and the wealth and fame of Solomon spread throughout the world.

Of course, his wisdom was the thing that gave him his greatest fame. He had a grasp and understanding of the principles of wisdom, of how to make a wise decision and walk the right path in life, like no one else ever.

And yet he became a fool. 1 Kings 11 tells how a man of great wisdom made some very foolish choices. In Proverbs, there are stern warnings against the wrong kinds of women and the importance of godly relationships. But as Solomon grew older, he must have grown overconfident and felt that he was above temptation. He ignored all his own principles and the consequences he predicted would come fell on his own head.

I find it interesting how often a person's strength can also be his or her weakness. David's strength? He was a man after God's own heart, but he drifted far from God into sin and became an adulterous murderer. Solomon was a man of wisdom who made the foolish choice (he KNEW better) to marry foreign women and they left him astray to worship their own gods, provoking the jealousy of the God of Heaven.

When we have a strong point, a character quality in which God's work has advanced, it is a good thing. But when we become overconfident, when we think it can never happen to us, when we stop being careful and stop taking precautions against sin, we can actually fall at exactly the point where we thought our faith was so strong and unshakable.

No matter how long I walk with Christ or how deeply I know him, I must still be careful to walk daily in the fullness of the Spirit, to practice repentance on a daily basis and to walk carefully in this sinful world. We must not become self-reliant or confident in our own abilities.

Just when you think you are impervious, that Satan's attacks will never reach you, that is when you are in the greatest danger.

Father, protect me from the arrogance of self-confidence, of the sin of taking credit for the work you have done in me. Help me to realize that I need you every hour, every day.

Think and Pray

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

Do you walk carefully, obeying the word of God?

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Pray for Dave in Senegal: Day 9 - May 22

This will be a travel day.

We will have a little bit of leisure time in Ziguinchor - we generally meet with our missionaries in the city. We fly back to Dakar in the afternoon and board late evening flights for the USA.

Pray for our safety in travel and that those with whom we've shared the truth will continue to consider what we have said.

"A Strange Question" May 22 Readings: 1 Kings 9-10, John 5:1–29, Psalm 66:1–8, Proverbs 13:17-18

Today's Readings1 Kings 9-10, John 5:1–29, Psalm 66:1–8, Proverbs 13:17-18

Devotional - A Strange Question

There is no such thing as a stupid question, right? That’s what our teachers used to tell us. I think I asked a few in my day, and some of my classmates came pretty close. But to encourage people to ask freely and boldly, teachers and leaders continue to tell us that all questions are worthy.

Jesus asked a question that would make us scratch our heads in John 5. In Jerusalem, Jesus was walking by the Pool of Bethesda where invalids lay seeking healing. They believed that the first person to get into the water after the waters were stirred would be healed. There was a man who had been an invalid for 38 years beside the pool and Jesus asked him a corker of a question in verse 6.

“Do you want to be healed?” (John 5:6)

Really? The man had been unable to lead a normal life or nearly 4 decades and was reduced to chasing a myth that the waters of Bethesda would bring healing. Unfortunately, he moved slowly and others always beat him into the water. So, day after day, year after year, he stayed there in his condition. “Do you want to be healed,” Jesus asked.

Maybe it isn’t such a stupid question after all. The human heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. It causes us to cling to the things that destroy our lives, to love our sins and to hold on to that which is destroying us. The person whose soul is slowly being eaten away by the acid of anger and bitterness would rather hold onto the grudge than to forgive. That cheating spouse seeing his family disintegrating but will not give up his (or her) illicit pleasures. No matter how many painful hangovers or other destructive consequences the drunk or drug addict experiences, he or she still resists the cure. And often it is much less dramatic than this. Dishonesty. Slothfulness. A failure to be faithful at work, at school. Oh, and there are the twin Goliaths for so many today. Materialism and Pornography. Many are derailed by one and many by the other. Some by both.

And Jesus comes to us and says, “I will not only forgive your sins and take you to heaven one day, but as you trust me and walk in obedience to me day by day, I will heal you, I will transform you, I will remake you.” But you must yield to that transforming power and seek him with all your heart. Jesus has the healing power and is willing to give it to you. But you must be willing to be healed.

Do you want to be healed?
Father, I want to be healed. I want to be healed of every sin, every habit, every personality quirk that is not pleasing to you. May I be a man like your Son – more and more every day!

Think and Pray

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

Are there areas of your life where you are holding on to sin that you know you need to let go of or refusing to obey God where he has made his will clear to you?
Will you today do a spiritual inventory and let Jesus Christ have full control of your life?

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Pray for Dave in Senegal: Day 8 - May 21

All good things must come to an end.

This will be my last day in the villages, working with my dear friend Alioune, who translates for me. Frankly, he does far more than that. He is a partner in ministry.

I have no idea where we will be doing it, but we will be visiting homes and talking about Jesus - like every other day.

Pray that the last day will be our best day.

As this day progresses, we will pack up and head back to Ziguinchor to begin the lengthy process of traveling home. We will say our goodbyes to Jean Batiste and Isabelle and head back to Ziguinchor. There is a hotel there (people laugh when I tell them the name - it's the "Flamboyent") where we will stay the night.

"Designed by God" May 21 Readings: 1 Kings 7-8, John 4:46–54, Psalm 65:8–13, Proverbs 13:15-16

This will likely be my last day in the villages of the Ehing people. We will be packing up and beginning the long trip home. Please pray that the fruit will remain!

Today's Readings1 Kings 7-8, John 4:46–54, Psalm 65:8–13, Proverbs 13:15-16

Devotional - Designed by God 

Solomon built a magnificent structure. The temple in Jerusalem was by all accounts among the more impressive buildings of the time. And Solomon was clearly among the most impressive people. His fame spread far and wide. He was rich, powerful, honored, the wisest man on earth.

And this magnificent temple was his creation. His people did the work. What part had God played in it all? Scripture records no miracles during the building. It did not spring suddenly from the earth. There was no divinely empowered reversal of Jericho - where the walls came a tumbling UP! No, it was hard work - the blood, sweat, and tears of thousands of nameless men who produced this house of worship.

And yet, as it was being completed, Solomon prayed a prayer in which he sought God's blessing and gave God credit. In 1 Kings 8:15 he says,
Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, who with his hand has fulfilled what he promised with his mouth to David my father.
He is giving thanks to God and praising him. He continues throughout the chapter to give honor and glory to God for all that he has done. Why is Solomon so careful to give God credit for that which he himself built? He realized something important. 

He understood that ultimately, the temple's design was initiated by God for the purposes of God. This was something that originated in the heart of God. The only projects in life worth doing are those that originate in the heart of God. He only blesses that which he begins. Solomon knew that the temple was a GOD-project and that even though his own labors had contributed, ultimately it was something that was birthed in the heart of God. 

The things you are doing, the goals of your life, your purposes, and projects - where did they begin? If they are your own, they will have no eternal impact or import. Only that which begins in the heart of God is significant. 

Solomon also understood that his project was worth nothing unless God inhabited the temple. As the glory of the Lord dwelt in the Tabernacle, he desired that the fire would fall on the temple. As with Moses and the tent in the wilderness, he did everything "just as God commanded." And in this passage, he seeks the blessing and presence of God to come among his people and to guide them. And we will see that God does, in fact, send his glory into the temple. 

God sends his presence and power among the obedient and accomplishes his will through them. Are God's power and presence dwelling among you? Are you walking in submission and obedience that he might use you in his work? 

When our lives are lived on God's agenda and we are walking in obedience to him, the glory of the Lord descends upon us and we are changed, empowered and used for his purposes. As God inhabited the Temple in Jerusalem, may his glory inhabit and empower us. 

This is what Solomon knew that caused him to seek God. Yes, he built the temple. But he knew that without the presence of God, without the glory of the Lord, it would all mean nothing. 
Father, fill me with your glory as I walk in submission to you!

Think and Pray

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

What is God's agenda for your life?
Remember that your life must be constructed by him, designed by him.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Pray for Dave in Senegal: Day 7 - May 20

By this point, I will have likely lost track of what day it is. The days tend to blend one after another.

I would ask you to pray for my health today. In the last couple of trips, it has been about this time, a week or so into the trip, that illnesses began to abound.

Also, continue to pray that God would lead us to people with open hearts who will listen to the message we share.

"Breaking Man's Rules" May 20 Readings: 1 Kings 5-6, John 4:20–45, Psalm 65:1–7, Proverbs 13:13-14

Today's Readings1 Kings 5-6, John 4:20–45, Psalm 65:1–7, Proverbs 13:13-14

Devotional - Breaking Man's Rules

Jesus always obeyed the Father and the rules of the Word, but he seemed to take pleasure in violating human rules that were not of God. When it was time to travel to Galilee, Jesus routed his group through Samaria. Most Jews traveled along the Jordan Valley so they would not have to move through the area inhabited by those they disdained. Jesus broke the rule and ministered where no one else would go.

And then he did something that shocked the disciples. They had made a supply run into town and when they came back they were horrified to see Jesus conversing with a Samaritan woman. Not just a Samaritan. Not just a woman. But a Samaritan woman. Jesus was bound by the Father's laws but he was not bound by silly rules that would hinder his ministry.

And look what happened as a result. The woman put her faith in Christ and went to turn out the entire village. They came out (John 4:39-42) to see what this woman with the bad reputation was saying, but they came to believe in Jesus on their own.
“It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.”

Because Jesus broke the rules of prejudice and hate, because he engaged those whom the Jews disdained, because he cared about those few others did, an entire village came to faith. 

The gospel is not just for people we like or people who are like us. It is for the lonely, the outcasts, for those whom life has chewed up and spit out; for the people no one else wants to engage. We cannot treat others as untouchables but must reach out as Jesus did. 

Father, help me to see those others ignore, to love those that are hard to love and to engage those others would see as undesirable, for the glory of your kingdom. 

Think and Pray

Are there people in your life who are "untouchable" - people others think are beyond the scope of your concern. In Christ, determine to minister to them.

Think and Pray

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Pray for Dave in Senegal: Day 6 - May 19

In addition to normal visitation ministry, I am trying something new this trip. I have a small battery-powered projector that I am taking and I have downloaded the Jesus movie in French and two of the local dialects. I hope to show the movie to people at various times.

This is a Sunday, of course, but things go on as normal in Senegal. We continue village ministry as if it was any other day. Weekdays and weekends are not as significant out in the villages as they are to us. Every day is pretty much like every other.

Continue to pray that God would open hearts as we minister.

"The Best Choice" May 19 Readings: 1 Kings 3-4, John 4:1–19, Psalm 64:5–10, Proverbs 13:11-12

Today's Readings - 

Devotional - The Best Choice

It wasn't a fictional genie in a bottle, but it was the real, living God from heaven. It wasn't three wishes to be spent frivolously, but one wish to be granted by God. Solomon received one of the greatest blessings a man has ever received from God.
Ask what I shall give you. 1 Kings 3:5
There were many options. Solomon could have asked for wealth beyond measure, for a life of ease and pleasure, for victory over his foes and a peace that comes through conquering all. Anything he wanted. But Solomon made the right choice. He asked for discernment.

And now, O Lord my God, you have made your servant king in place of David my father, although I am but a little child. I do not know how to go out or come in. 8 And your servant is in the midst of your people whom you have chosen, a great people, too many to be numbered or counted for multitude. 9 Give your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern your people, that I may discern between good and evil, for who is able to govern this your great people?” 1 Kings 3:7-9
He knew that the task God had given him was difficult and that he needed resources beyond his own abilities, so he asked for an obedient heart that would enable him to discern good and evil. He wanted the ability to discern good and evil so that he could make wise choices as he led the people of God.

Discernment is the ability to distinguish the right path from the wrong path. Wisdom is the strength to choose what is right. Solomon wanted discernment so he could walk in wisdom.

But the irony is that through choosing the best thing, God gave him everything else as well. He got anything he could have asked for by asking for the thing he could get from no one but God. By choosing wisdom he received all of life's blessings.

When we seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness, all these other things are added to us as well. When we seek the things of the world, we lose everything of eternal value. When we seek God, and God's wisdom, and the blessing that God's wisdom brings, we gain all things of real value.

Lord, may I always choose you and your ways - that which is best. Thank you for the blessings you give to me day by day when I do!

Think and Pray

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

If God gave you a choice like this, what would you ask for?
How did Solomon's choice of discernment open him up to receiving other blessings in life?

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Pray for Dave in Senegal: Day 5 - May 18

Another day in the village.

There are seven Ehing villages.

Dioher (pronounce Joe-hair) where we stay, is the main village.
Bakounum is about a mile or so south of Dioher and is both the center of animistic worship and the place were we've had the most response to our gospel work.
Kaliene is a mile and a half or so west of Dioher and we have seen some response there as well.
Dialang (pronounced Ja-long) is a couple of miles east and I've not worked there as much, but the chief of Dialang has made a profession of faith in Christ.
Bafikane is on the eastern edge of Ehing territory and we've done little work there.
There are two interior villages, which we originally could not visit, because of the civil war in the area. Etafoune is about three miles from the main road and Kourin is a couple of miles farther in - not far at all from the Guinea Bissau border.

We hope to minister in each of these villages, though our focus will likely be Dioher, Bakounum, and Kaliene.

"Best Man" May 18 Readings: 1 Kings 1-2, John 3:16–36, Psalm 64:1–4, Proverbs 13:9-10

Today's Readings1 Kings 1-2, John 3:16–36, Psalm 64:1–4, Proverbs 13:9-10

Devotional - Best Man

The Best Man is never meant to be the center of attention or the star of the show. He simply attends to the Groom and helps him. John the Baptist was Jesus' Best Man. Look at John 3:29
The friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly at the bridegroom's voice. Therefore this joy of mine is now complete. 
There was no man better than John the Baptist, who lived his life to pave the way for the Savior. It was not his dress or his diet that made him unique, but his humility. John 3:22-30 describes a unique and godly episode that defines the unique character of the man.

John was immensely popular. People were coming from all over Israel to hear him and to be baptized by him. John's name was on the lips of Israelites everywhere.

Then, suddenly, this man Jesus came out of nowhere to be baptized by him. He disappeared for 40 days into the wilderness to be tempted, then returned in the power of the Spirit to preach the gospel of the kingdom and do amazing miracles. Disciples of John the Baptist left him and followed after Jesus whose ministry was on the rise as John's popularity waned.

Think about how most people would respond to such a thing. Jealousy. Rivalry. Anger. Perhaps rumors and slander. They would not respond as John the Baptist did.
“A person cannot receive even one thing unless it is given him from heaven. 28 You yourselves bear me witness, that I said, ‘I am not the Christ, but I have been sent before him.’ 29 The one who has the bride is the bridegroom. The friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly at the bridegroom's voice. Therefore this joy of mine is now complete. 30 He must increase, but I must decrease.” John 3:27-30
He realized that his status had been given to him by God and that his role was to be the groom's friend. He was here to announce the coming of Christ and he knew his place and his purpose. Then he spoke these insightful words.
He must increase, but I must decrease.
For John, it was literal. Jesus' popularity and scope of ministry were going to increase and John would fade into the background. John knew that was how things were meant to be and embraced it. 

John's challenge is also our challenge. In a sense, we are all John the Baptists. We go into a lost world to "prepare the way for the Lord." Our goal always is to make Jesus famous and to point the way to him. As we walk in this world, Jesus must increase and we must decrease. 

Father, use me to increase the knowledge of your Son, Jesus. May my selfishness and arrogance decrease. as you increase in me. 

Think and Pray

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

Have you experienced the New Birth spoken of in John 3:16? Too many people approach Christianity as simply a means of self-improvement, trying to become a "better me." That is a path to failure. You must be born again, born from heaven by the grace of God when you trust Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord. If you have not experienced this new, heavenly birth, turn to Christ today.

For those who are in Christ, examine your life and heart. Is your life about Jesus or about you? John knew that he existed to serve the Savior and that "he must increase."

Is Jesus becoming more and more the dominant force in your life daily?

Friday, May 17, 2019

Pray for Dave in Senegal: Day 4 - May 17

This should be the first full day of village ministry. 

We generally leave around 9:30 or 10 AM and walk from home to home looking for people to speak to about Jesus Christ. We return for lunch (the main meal of the day) around 1:30 and then go back out at 3 or 3:30. We stay out until we stop finding folks, sometimes until just before the sun sets. Our best times of conversation often happen later in the evening. 

While each day is different, we will do pretty much the same thing every day, in the different villages. 

Pray that God would prepare the hearts of these people to receive the gospel. 

"Desert Springs" May 17 Readings: 2 Samuel 23-24, John 2:13–3:15, Psalm 63, Proverbs 13:7-8

Today's Readings2 Samuel 23-24, John 2:13–3:15, Psalm 63, Proverbs 13:7-8

Devotional - Desert Springs

A few years back I completed a marathon in the New Mexico desert, trudging over a mountain, through deep sand, and across the desert flats in searing heat. One thing I learned that day - walking in the desert creates a deep thirst. It didn't seem to matter how much water and Gatorade I drank, I was always craving more.

David spoke, in Psalm 63, of the thirst of a deer in the wilderness.
O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you;
    my soul thirsts for you;
my flesh faints for you,
    as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.

In a dry and desolate land, a land without water, David experienced thirst. This world offers so many types of poison water; libations that look satisfying but do not quench the soul's thirst. Money. Pleasure. Entertainment. Selfish ambition and achievement. All present themselves as the satisfaction of the soul, but they do not provide what they promise.

This world is a desert, a spiritual wasteland. The best it offers is mirages that cannot slake the deep thirst of the human heart. If we seek contentment, joy, and life from this world we will be deeply disappointed.

But David knew where to go for the living water, the water of life. He eagerly sought God and thirsted for him. Not just his blessings or the good things he gives, but for God himself. His desire for God was so strong that his body actually felt faint!

God is the source of life and those who seek him will be satisfied.

Father, you are my life. All too often I forget that and seek the bitter water of this world or dive into the mirages that deceive. But you are life and hope and joy, and I seek you. 

Think and Pray

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

Where do you look for the water of life?
Do you look to money or possessions for sustenance? To other people? Pleasure?
Or do you go to the source of the living water of life?

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Pray for Dave in Senegal: Day 3 - May 16

What happens today depends on what we got done on Wednesday. Whatever prep and setup didn't get done on Wednesday has to get done today. Hopefully, I got a good night's sleep! Alioune and I will head out to Dioher and set up our home for the week at Jean Batiste and Isabelle's home.

They are wonderful people, and their home is among the nicest in Dioher, but it has no running water and no electricity. The bathroom in a hole in the cement out back. I love these people but I am concerned about living in this kind of rough condition after my health problems last year.

I would appreciate your prayers. I believe I can handle walking in the villages and all of that, but dealing with the living conditions will be a challenge.

I do look forward to eating mangos, which should be in season right now!

Please pray for my health, which is a concern on this trip.

"Water to Wine" May 16 Readings: 2 Samuel 21-22, John 2:1–12, Psalm 62:9–12, Proverbs 13:5-6

Please continue to pray for me as I minister in Senegal. If all goes well, this will be our first day sharing Christ in the villages.

Today's Readings 2 Samuel 21-22, John 2:1–12, Psalm 62:9–12, Proverbs 13:5-6

Devotional - Water to Wine

In what may be the ultimate irony for us teetotalling Baptists, Jesus first miracle was one destined to make Sunday School teachers sweat for generations. Seriously, couldn't he have chosen something different? Healed someone? Made a lame man walk or a blind man see? Even better, he could have raised someone from the dead. Or calmed a sea. Or walked on water. Something. Anything. But no. Jesus' first miracle had to be turning water into wine.

He went to a wedding at Cana, a small town a few miles north of Nazareth, on the pass through the mountains to Galilee. Jesus' mother was at the wedding and he showed up with his disciples. A tragedy occurred after he arrived. The wine ran out. Not sure to say about that, but at Cana, it was a huge issue.

Mary saw it as an opportunity. For years she had likely repeated the stories of Jesus' supernatural birth and for three decades he had done nothing publicly to demonstrate that her story was true. He was unusual, for sure, and now he had gathered these men around him and was teaching them, but she was still waiting for him to do something to show his supernatural power, his divine nature. So she chided him a little to do something.

In an odd exchange, Jesus told his mother that his time had not yet come, then he proceeded to do as she asked. Mary told them to do as he said - always good advice. Jesus instructed them to fill six jars, each holding 20-30 gallons of water to the brim. He then told them to take some of the water to the master of the feast, who marveled at the quality of the wine (again, no comment!). Usually, he said, someone brings out the cheap wine at the end of the feast when people are tipsy and the palate is less discerning. But Jesus' miraculous drink was the best of all.

What to learn from this? There are conclusions aplenty, but ours today will focus on the common metaphor of wine used throughout Scripture. It signifies vitality and joy. That is what Jesus did that day. He took water - plain, simple, likely dirty, even unclean - and he infused it with zest. He made what was natural supernatural. He took what was normal and infused it with his miraculous life.

There is no need today to argue about the import of this passage on the moderation debate. What we learn is the effect of Jesus on our lives. He enters and nothing is ever the same. He does wonderful things of our lives - he turns our water into wine.

Father, thank you for your Son, who takes the bland water of my life and miraculously turns it to joy and vitality. Your Son is life and joy and hope. Thank you for Jesus. 

Think and Pray

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

Are you bogged down in the routine of life, the humdrum things of this world?
Remember that Jesus takes your worldly life and transforms it, makes it new, vital, vibrant, and joyful.
Meditate on that idea.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Pray for Dave in Senegal: Day 2 - May 15

This is a question mark day!

If somehow we can get the early flight from Dakar to Ziguinchor we will spend the day shopping in Zinguinchor for groceries, heading out into the villages and getting set up. We have to greet village chiefs and meet with the local government representative, the sous prefet.

If we can't get on the early flight, we will hang out in the Dakar airport and when we arrive in Ziguinchor, we will hope that the shops are still open. It is Ramadan and most of the shops are run by Muslims, so you never know. up

We will likely head out to Nyassia, where the Farmersville church has a home and spend the first night there.

There are a lot of setup and preparatory things that have to be done and we will do as much as we can.

Prayer need: This is the worst day of the trip! I usually feel awful from the lack of sleep, but try to push through until evening to get onto the local sleep schedule. Pray I can muddle through!

"To Jesus" May 15 Readings: 2 Samuel 19-20, John 1:19–51, Psalm 62:1–8, Proverbs 13-3-4

Senegal Update: Today will be arrival day in Ziquinchor. We will do our shopping for groceries and then head out the village of Dioher, where we will settle in for the next week. This is usually one of the toughest days, because of exhaustion from traveling.

Today's Readings - 2 Samuel 19-20, John 1:19–51, Psalm 62:1–8, Proverbs 13-3-4

Devotional - To Jesus

Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist until one day when another man walked by. John looked up at the other man and said, "Look, the Lamb of God." Andrew realized the import of these words and decided that it was time to follow Jesus. It is one of John's most godly qualities that he encouraged his followers to leave him and to follow another. That is what he did, along with the man who was with him.

Jesus saw these two men following him and asked, "What are you looking for?" Andrew and his friend answered the question with a question. "Rabbi, where are you staying?" Jesus invited them to join him and they spent the day with Jesus. Evidently, they were deeply impressed with what they saw, because Andrew left to do the most important thing anyone can do. He went out and found his brother Simon and John 1:42 tells us what he did next.
And he brought Simon to Jesus. 
He realized quickly that this one was The One, the promised Messiah, the hope of Israel. And he went and told his brother about it and brought him to see Jesus. Simon's life changed dramatically after that - he became known as Cephas, or Peter. All because his brother took the time to bring him to Jesus.

Sometimes, perhaps, we get too bogged down in the minutiae of witnessing, trying to deal with deeper theological issues, methodologies and strategies or learning canned gospel presentations. Each of those has their place. But evangelism is really much simpler than that.

Sinners find a Savior and bring other sinners to find the same Savior. We find our family, our friends and our neighbors and we bring them to Jesus. When they meet him, things change. It is great when we share the faith with strangers, with those we encounter on the street, at restaurants, on airplanes, wherever we are. But the most effective evangelism is the kind Andrew did. He brought his brother to Jesus.

Family. Friends. Neighbors. Evangelism and missions are not just something we are to do for people around the world. It is something we do for those we love, those we live with, those we encounter every day.

Father, I thank you for the people who brought me to you. May I pass along that blessing as I bring others to meet the Savior who saved me. 

Think and Pray

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

It is true that witnessing can be hard, but remember that there is nothing more important in life than to bring people to Jesus.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Pray for Dave in Senegal: Day 1 - May 14

I ask for your prayers today. If all goes well, I will be flying across the Atlantic Ocean today to begin a ministry in Senegal. This will be my eighth trip to the Casamance region, sharing Christ with a UUPG (basically, a people group where there was no gospel witness previously) called the Essing, or Ehing people. I'd been going twice a year until my health problems last year. Now, it has been almost 15 months since I walked in the villages. I'm not sure what has happened in the meantime. Pray that God would bless this ministry.

The Ehing people live in 7 villages about halfway between Ziguinchor and the coast, not far from the Guinea Bissau border.

They are five hours ahead of Sioux City, so at 7 AM here it is noon there. At 5 PM here it is 10 PM there.

I leave at 6:30 AM from Omaha, fly to Minneapolis and then to JFK, where I will meet up with a three-person team from Farmersville, TX. We fly through the night to Dakar.

We are scheduled to arrive at about 8:00 AM in Dakar (3 AM here). Unfortunately, they rescheduled our flight to Ziguinchor to leave at 8 AM, so we will likely have to wait until the afternoon flight, which will also likely mean we will not be able to shop until Thursday. If there is any way the 8 AM flight could be delayed and we could get on it, it would be a wonderful thing. But we learn to take whatever God give us!

"God's Word, with Us" May 14 Readings: 2 Samuel 17-18, John 1:1–18, Psalm 61:4–8, Proverbs 13:1-2

Today's Readings2 Samuel 17-18, John 1:1–18, Psalm 61:4–8, Proverbs 13:1-2

Devotional - God's Word, with Us

Though we believe that all Scripture is inspired by God and useful, we are not required to pretend hat all Scripture has the same force and power. There are high points among the words of God. I've maintained that the Mt. Everest of the Bible is Romans 8 - if you are ever going to memorize one chapter of the Bible, make it that one! Psalm 23 is part of the Himalayas as well. So is Hebrews 11, Matthew 5-7, John 14-16 and several other great peaks of revelation.

Among the highest of the high peaks, we find John 1:1-5. Frankly, the whole book of John is a high mountain range, but this introduction is powerful.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
Permit me to point out a few of the wondrous beauties on this mountaintop of Scripture.

First, God spoke to us. He did not turn his back on sinful humanity, but he spoke to us. He gave us a "Word." That Word was Jesus, as this passage makes clear. The Creator spoke to creation by sending the Co-Creator to live among us, as verse 14 tells us.
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Jesus took up residence among us to reveal who God was and to demonstrate his love for us. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! God spoke loudly and clearly. Jesus was that message.

Second, this passage, as clearly as any in Scripture, affirms the deity of Christ. "The Word WAS God." He was not "a god", nor was he some kind of emanation from God, a secondary deity or a deified human. He was the God of glory come to dwell in a human body.

Third, Jesus is life. Through the Word that came among us, we have life. John later tells us, in his first epistle, that "he who has the Son has life and he who does not have the Son does not have life, but the wrath of God abides on him." Jesus Christ became the point of division for all of humanity. Eternity is not about following as a religion or doing enough good works or any other human activity. It's about Jesus. Do you "have him"? Then you have life. If you do not have Jesus you do not have life no matter how good you think you are, how busy you are at church or how many good things you try to do.

Finally (for this post anyway), Jesus is the light. This world is blanketed in the darkness of sin and Jesus was the light of God to show us the way to him. "I am the way, the truth and the life," Jesus would later say. Jesus IS life and he GIVES light.

Father, thank you for the Word who told us who you were, who demonstrated your love for us, who gave us life by sacrificing his own and who shines the light of truth and righteousness on our sinful lives. Praise his holy name!

Think and Pray

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

As you read John 1 today, take a few minutes to let the Spirit guide you to amazing truths about Jesus revealed in this passage. Besides these high points I hit today, there are many more. Just thank God that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us!

Monday, May 13, 2019

Pray for Dave in Senegal: Leaving Tomorrow

I will be leaving at 3:00 AM for Senegal.

In addition to having all the posts for the Bible readings ready to go (I think they are all set up properly), I have set up a separate post to give anyone who is interested and willing to pray some information about the trip.

Of course, all of this information is pre-loaded. One thing I've learned on my Senegal trips is that things seldom go as we expect.

I have two prayers that I'd ask you to pray today, in preparation for the trip.

1. I am taking a whole bunch of equipment with me, especially a large solar battery. I am praying that TSA and the airlines won't be upset with me carry all this with me (my carry on back weighs 35 pounds!). I have several lithium ion batteries and you can't put those in your checked bags. I need that stuff with me in Senegal. Would you pray that this will get through?

2. We've been having a lot of problems around the Miller house. Plumbing issues. Car issues. Stuff that normally wouldn't be major but it is tremendously inconvenient when I am planning to leave the country. Would you pray that God would watch over my wife and my home while I am away?

"Walking Right...Alone" May 13 Readings: 2 Samuel 15-16, Luke 24:36–53, Psalm 61:1–3, Proverbs 12:27-28

Today's Readings 2 Samuel 15-16, Luke 24:36–53, Psalm 61:1–3, Proverbs 12:27-28

Devotional - Walking Right...Alone!

All around him were liars, schemers, manipulators, usurpers, and conspirators. He was fleeing Jerusalem up the Mt. of Olives to find safety from his own son who had turned the hearts of his people against him. Bathsheba's grandfather, Ahithophel, who was a trusted counselor to the king, had betrayed him and joined Absalom's conspiracy. Ziba the servant met him on the mount with lies about his master, Mephibosheth, in an effort to advance himself. And then, just when he thought things couldn't get any worse, he ran into Shimei, a relative of King Saul who had carried a huge grudge for a long time, ever since David's family supplanted his family as the royal family in Israel. So, as David wandered down the mountain, he threw rocks at him. But his wasn't the sticks and stones that broke his bones, it was the words that truly hurt him.
“Get out, get out, you man of blood, you worthless man! The Lord has avenged on you all the blood of the house of Saul, in whose place you have reigned, and the Lord has given the kingdom into the hand of your son Absalom. See, your evil is on you, for you are a man of blood.” 2 Samuel 16:7-8
Let me give you a quick paraphrase. "Good riddance to bad rubbish!" Oh, and, "What goes around comes around." He was telling David that he was getting what he deserved for his terrible treatment of Saul's family.

But was that true? No, it was not. Just the opposite was true. David did not kill Saul when he had the chance. He was compassionate to Saul and to his family. He bent over backwards for them. Shimei judgment was sure and certain but absolutely wrong.

But that did not mean that David was innocent. All of this came as a result of his sin with Bathsheba and the devastation it brought on his family.

How did David respond to all of this? Did he fall apart? Did he lash out in anger, wallow in self-pity, or ponder self-destruction? No. David fled from Jerusalem, but we see in 2 Samuel 16 that he continued to walk in faith and confidence in God.

First, he refused to get down in the mud with those who went after him. He did not "fight fire with fire." Others could lie, cheat, and steal, but David would walk in integrity. He relied on God instead of on his own schemes and intrigues. And when Shimei attacked him, he refused to strike back in violence and vengeance but put it in the hands of God's justice.

Every day as you walk in this world, you will encounter those who lie, who cheat and who scheme and manipulate to get what they want. That is the way of this world. You can't change that. (Jesus will one day, you will just have to wait!) The only question is how you will live in this sinful world. Will you live as everyone else does? When in know. Or will you live under the Lordship of Jesus Christ at all times? Honesty. Integrity. Trust. Dependence on God. Returning good for evil. Waiting on God's judgment instead of taking vengeance - those things that David did, that Christ did.

In a day or two, we will read the end of the story. God frustrated the cheating of the cheaters, the lies of the liars, the usurping of the usurpers and he brought David back. It was a sad time because David's son died. But God restored David and brought his enemies down.

It is always better to trust God and walk in his ways than to imitate the ways of the world!

Father, whatever happens, may I always follow your will and your ways. 

Think and Pray

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

Remember that our actions are governed by the works of God in our lives, not the actions and attitudes of others. We must walk in Christ and in the ways of God, regardless of how others act.