Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Why the Church Won't Die - November 04, Readings: Ezekiel 15-16, 2 Timothy 2, Psalm 119:117–120, Proverbs 27:1–3

Links to Today's Readings

Skeptics have been proclaiming the death of the church and of Christianity for a long time. Have you ever watched a science fiction movie in the future in which a vibrant, faithful church still existed? I've been told by more than one person that Christianity is doomed to dwindle into insignificance - and quickly at that.

And, of course, as much as we mess up the church of Christ with our fleshly behavior, our division, our human traditions and all our failures, you'd think the critics were right. We do everything we can, at times, to give our enemies reason to gloat and to hope in the demise of the church.

But the church is God's creation and will exist until Christ returns. No power, no enemy, no amount of skepticism, not even the failures of the Christians who populate the church, can stop the work of God in his church.

But there is one key to the success of the church that we must not forget. It must be a constant focus in all we do. Paul described it to Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:1.
You, therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, commit to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.
 First, we must remember that we stand in grace - the church is a supernatural work of God through Jesus Christ. We will fail, but he will not. We will tremble, he will stand. We must remember to stand strong in grace, remembering that our lives are his work!

But verse 2 is key as well. In this verse, Paul describes how he taught Timothy the things of God - both the way he modeled the grace of Christ and how he taught the truths of the good news of Jesus Christ. Paul "discipled" Timothy to be a great leader for the church. But it didn't end there. Timothy then found other "faithful men" to whom he could pass on that which Paul gave to him. These faithful men were able to teach others also. 

As I write this, I'm battling another virus, one of the 300 or so that are out there in Siouxland trying to make people like me miserable. They spread by person-to-person contact (well, sometimes mosquito-to-person, but let's ignore that for now). That's how the gospel works. It is only when we involve ourselves in the lives of others that they catch the "disease" that infects us - a love for Jesus Christ and a passion for the kingdom. (Of course, this assumes we are infected first). Then, those we infect pass the disease on to others. 

As long as there is one passionate, Christ-centered, gospel-preaching, God-loving Christian around, the church will not die. He will infect another with the Christ-virus and that one will pass it on to another. Until Jesus comes, we will continue passing this precious virus on. The enemies of the church and the enemies of the Cross will continue to gleefully predict the demise of the church, and they will continue to be wrong!

Father, infect me with a contagious love for Christ. May I pass that on to others who will pass it on to others - until Jesus returns!

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