Thursday, September 1, 2022

"Unbelievable!" September 1 Readings: John 16


Reading the Bible Chronologically in 2022

This year, instead of reading from Genesis to Revelation, we will read the Bible as the story flows, as it happened and was written. There are several plans out there and I have worked to combine them into a plan that lets the Bible tell its own story "as it happened." Remember, the Bible is inspired, but not in the order the books appear in our Bibles. The Old Testament is approximately 3/4 of the Bible, but I have divided it so that we will spend half the year in the OT, and half the year in the NT. 

Bible Readings: John 16  


The Farewell Discourse wraps up in chapter 16 with a trio of disparate promises. First, Jesus promises that the disciples would suffer on behalf of Jesus.  They would be rejected and driven out of the synagogues by the same religious leaders who hated Jesus. Then he promised the ministry of the Spirit to reveal all truth to them in the days ahead. He makes a remarkable claim in verse 7, that it is to their advantage that Jesus would leave and send the Spirit. Not a single disciple believed that, but it is a truth borne out by actual events.

The final promise is that their sorrow would turn to joy. This world will bring trouble and sorrow, but the disciples of Christ can rejoice because Jesus has overcome the world.

He ends the message as began, expressing the theme of the message. He knew their lives were about to be blown apart by circumstances and so Jesus wanted to give them the spiritual resources they needed to walk in peace. "Take heart," Jesus reminded them finally. "I have overcome the world."

Daily Devotional:  Unbelievable!

It is an amazing statement - one you probably don't believe!

You don't believe it because you've never experienced life the way the disciples did. They were with Jesus for over 3 years and they lived in constant confusion. Everything he did boggled their minds, troubled their hearts, and gave them anxiety. Why, Jesus? What are you doing? They never understood his teachings. They misunderstood his kingdom. They pretty much got it all wrong all the time.

We have the Holy Spirit living in us, illumining our hearts to understand the word of God, the will of God, and the ways of God. Still, sometimes, God confuses us, baffles us, and blows our minds. But the ministry of the Spirit inside of us enables us to understand God's word and walk in the light.

That's what Jesus said that is so hard to accept. "The Spirit of God in us is better than Jesus with us." In John 16:7, Jesus told the disciples that it was to their advantage if he went away because then the Holy Spirit would come. Their lives would be better when they received the Spirit and were filled by his power.

Have you ever said, "I wish Jesus was here so I could ask him some questions." Most of us have. We all have questions. And if we had the Holy Spirit AND Jesus, that would be quite a combination. But Jesus made it absolutely clear that we are way better off today with the Spirit of God indwelling us than we would be if Jesus was here beside us and the Spirit were not indwelling us. We'd be as clueless, as confused, and as prone to error as the disciples were.

The Spirit indwells us at salvation (called the baptism of the Holy Spirit) and is our ever-present source of power, of enlightenment, and of the wisdom of God. He convicts us of sin, helps us to see the truth of God, and empowers us to walk in the ways of God. As we walk in the fullness of the Spirit, all that God has prepared for us can be ours.

Father, I thank you that you have given to me your Holy Spirit to enlighten me, to empower me, and to guide me in your ways. May I walk daily in the fullness of your Spirit's power. 

Consider God's Word:

Think about how the disciples' lives changed after Pentecost. Remember that the power that changed them indwells all believers and is available to you. Consider how your life might be different if you walked daily in the fullness of the Spirit.

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