Sunday, September 4, 2022

"Jesus on Trial" September 4 Readings: John 18:1-27, Matthew 26:57-75, Mark 14:53-72, Luke 22:54-65


Reading the Bible Chronologically in 2022

This year, instead of reading from Genesis to Revelation, we will read the Bible as the story flows, as it happened and was written. There are several plans out there and I have worked to combine them into a plan that lets the Bible tell its own story "as it happened." Remember, the Bible is inspired, but not in the order the books appear in our Bibles. The Old Testament is approximately 3/4 of the Bible, but I have divided it so that we will spend half the year in the OT, and half the year in the NT. 

Bible Readings:   John 18:1-27, Matthew 26:57-75, Mark 14:53-72, Luke 22:54-65 


Jesus is betrayed and is now in custody, being questioned by the high priest and the temple leaders. Their interrogation violates their own rules and lacks integrity of any kind. But it proceeds through the night after Jesus' arrest.

During this time, Peter has his moment of crisis. "I never knew him." Solemn oaths. The Jesus he swore he would never deny, the Lord he committed to follow to hell and back, he abandoned in the face of the questions of a servant girl. Fear.

Before the council, Jesus was judged to be guilty and deserving of death. This is where the abuse began. He was struck and mocked and the bloodlust of the temple leaders is at a fever pitch.

The crucifixion has begun.

Daily Devotional:  Jesus on Trial

It is the ultimate irony, the lowest point in human history. Men laid hands on the Son of God. In their arrogance, they put him on trial - creation judged the Creator! They put Jesus on trial. JESUS. Perfect, sinless, the Lamb of God - and they put him on trial. This is one messed up world we live in, isn't it? There is so much here that we could reflect on, and will in other posts. Today, we will make some simple observations. 

1. Fear is the enemy of the work of God. When we are afraid of the opinions of others, of the future, or of what can happen to us, we shrink back from the work of God. Faith energizes us to go forward, even to embrace hardship and pain to accomplish the Father's work. Jesus never wavered from the Father's will. 

2. The judgment of man is often (usually?) skewed. Religious leaders gathered in their approved forum, with all the power of the government behind them - and they were deciding to put the Son of God to death! Just because someone has power, money, or influence doesn't make them right! People's opinions, even powerful people's opinions, are not always right or true or godly. 

3. Remember that you are what God says about you, not what others say about you. They looked at Jesus and they said, "he is worthy of death." He was perfect and they manufactured flaws in him. You are a sinner and people will certainly (and rightly) find flaws in you. Still, you must find your identity in what Jesus says about you - that you are eternally loved in Christ, that you are forgiven, that you are destined for glory, that God is remaking you into the image of Christ, that you will one day be perfected in Christ. The critics may have ample cause to pick you apart, but their words are not the ultimate truth, the work of God in you is!

4. People can be mean, cruel, and awful - remember how horrible they were to the Son of God - but that suffering is part of God's plan in this world and has a redemptive purpose if it is for righteousness sake. Accept suffering as part of God's plan and trust him to lift you up and defend you. 

5. The story of the Cross, from beginning to end, shows mankind at our absolute worst (arrogant, dishonest, cruel, violent...) and Jesus at his absolute best (loving, self-sacrificing, giving, patient).

Father, this story is hard to read, because I realize that what Jesus suffered, he suffered for me. I thank you that the cross covered my sins, my failings - me, the chief of sinners. I thank you for this story, the story of the Cross, of Easter, of the death and resurrection of Christ which changes my life and all of eternity. 

Consider God's Word:

Today, just read and pray through my points above.
Which strikes you as most crucial? Most timely?

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