Monday, August 1, 2022

"Daily Death" August 1 Readings: Matthew 16:1-28, Mark 8:10-9:1, Luke 9:18-27


Reading the Bible Chronologically in 2022

This year, instead of reading from Genesis to Revelation, we will read the Bible as the story flows, as it happened and was written. There are several plans out there and I have worked to combine them into a plan that lets the Bible tell its own story "as it happened." Remember, the Bible is inspired, but not in the order the books appear in our Bibles. The Old Testament is approximately 3/4 of the Bible, but I have divided it so that we will spend half the year in the OT, and half the year in the NT. 

Bible Readings: Matthew 16:1-28, Mark 8:10-9:1, Luke 9:18-27   


This is one of our most significant readings. Powerful truths abound. It syncs up with our reading from a few days ago in John 6, when Jesus began to lay down his harsher teachings and saw many disciples turn away. 
  • There is a clear bit of humor in Matthew 16:7. Jesus warns the disciples about the leaven of Pharisees and they hold a discussion in which they decide that Jesus is upset because they didn't bring any bread. Clueless. This brings into focus why Jesus said in his Farewell Discourse in John 14-16 that it would be better for them if Jesus went away and the Spirit came. The Spirit in us gives a true understanding of Jesus. 
  • The confession by Peter at Caesarea Philippi is significant and has been argued much by interpreters. At Caesarea was the Temple of Pan, a place known as "the gates of hell." Jesus meant that all the powers of darkness, of false gods and evil, could not stand against the work he would do in his church. 
  • The shocking part is Jesus' teaching that he was planning to die and rise again. The disciples and everyone else thought Jesus was coming to establish an earthly and political kingdom and the idea of dying on a cross in shame had no part in that. Jesus' sacrificial death is still a stumbling block to many. 
  • Building on Jesus' death is his teaching that those who follow him must walk as he did - the path of the cross. The essence of Christianity is not "your best life now" but dying to self to rise to Christ. That message was not popular then and is not popular now. 

Basically, this is the message of Jesus. 
I am going to build a church and nothing in this world is going to stop the work I am doing. No power on earth or power from hell can stop me. My plan requires that I lay down my life for the sins of the world and rise again in power as Lord of all. If you want to be part of my kingdom, you must also die with me, deny self and follow me. I will raise you to power and strength - MY power and MY strength. 

That is the faith Jesus came to establish on earth, and the gates of hell cannot stand against THAT faith

Daily Devotional:  A Daily Death

As I went through our readings today, one word struck me; a word from a passage I quote about as often as any other, Luke 9:23. The verse gets to the heart of where modern American Christianity varies from the faith of the New Testament era Christians.
“If anyone wants to come with Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Me."
Today, Christianity is often presented as a motivational, self-help system. God will help find your self-esteem, be happy and healthy, and be the best, most successful you that you can possibly be. In this aberration of the faith, Christ came to help us attain our goals, dreams, aspirations and ambitions. It's all about me.

But biblical Christianity is something very different. Following Jesus means walking the Way of the Cross. We must first deny ourselves - turning away from our own ambitions, our own pleasure, to serve Jesus Christ. We must also take up our cross. The cross was an instrument of death. Conversion is often described in the Bible as experiencing the death and resurrection of Christ. "We are buried with him by baptism into death" and "raised to walk a new life in Christ." We die to self and are born again to a new life in Christ.

As those who attend Southern Hills know very well, I quote this verse as much as any other. It gets to the heart of the issue. What kind of faith do you have? A self-serving, self-aggrandizing faith that is a spiritual fiction? Or the true faith of the Bible - dying to self to live for Christ.

But there is one word in that passage that I have often overlooked - a word that cannot be overlooked.
 Being saved was something I did once, and only once. In February of 1964, my dad led me in prayer as I lay on my bed and I put my faith in Christ. Once. But the decision to take up my cross and follow Christ is one I must make every day.

That is why we need these daily Bible readings and prayer times. That is why it is not enough to go to church on Sunday (as important as that is). The heart and soul of the Christian life is a decision you must repeat every single day. Every day I must decide that I will not serve myself. Every day I must take up my cross, die to self again, and decide to follow Jesus. Every day!

You may have heard this well-worn but absolutely true statement: "you cannot live on yesterday's manna." Our walk with Christ must be renewed day by day. Many years ago, I made a lifelong, even eternal commitment to Christ. I gave myself to him. Once for all. But it is a commitment that must be renewed every single day. I cannot live on yesterday's commitment, yesterday's passion, yesterday's decision. The choice to follow Jesus on the Way of the Cross is one that needs to be made every single day.
Father, I've made big commitments to you, but I've all too often failed to renew that commitment daily, as your Son commanded. May I deny myself today, take up my Cross today, and follow you today. 

Consider God's Word:

Have you bought into the false American Christianity - "Jesus came to be part of your life and make you happy" or are you living out the real faith Jesus established, described above? 

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