Saturday, July 9, 2022

"Tempted and Tried" July 9 Readings: Matthew 4:12-25, Mark 1:14-39, Luke 4:14-44, John 1:35-51


Reading the Bible Chronologically in 2022

This year, instead of reading from Genesis to Revelation, we will read the Bible as the story flows, as it happened and was written. There are several plans out there and I have worked to combine them into a plan that lets the Bible tell its own story "as it happened." Remember, the Bible is inspired, but not in the order the books appear in our Bibles. The Old Testament is approximately 3/4 of the Bible, but I have divided it so that we will spend half the year in the OT, and half the year in the NT. 

Bible Readings: Matthew 4:12-25, Mark 1:14-39, Luke 4:14-44, John 1:35-51   


It was time for the rematch.

In the Garden, the serpent appeared and tempted Adam and Eve to see if they would follow God or if they would go their own way. They failed, chose sin, and plunged the race into darkness. Now, having been baptized, Jesus was ready to face the enemy in round 2 of this cosmic conflict. In 1 John 2, John speaks of the "lust of the flesh, lust of the eye, and the pride of life." Three temptations for us - lust, greed, and pride. In Genesis 3, Adam and Eve saw that the tree was "good for food, pleasing to the eye, and desirable for gaining wisdom." Lust, greed, pride.

Now, after 40 days in the wilderness, fasting and praying, Jesus faced temptation. He was tempted to use his power selfishly to provide food (lust). He was shown the world and told it could all be his (greed) if only he bowed to Satan (greed). He was told to make a display of his greatness that would draw angels and show everyone how wonderful he is (pride).

Three temptations, just like the first time, except this time there was one huge difference - Jesus stood strong in God's power and the power of the word and resisted the devil. 

Daily Devotional:  Tempted and Tried

People say a lot of foolish things, especially about sin. Pastors and church leaders who fall into sin sometimes say that their moral and spiritual failure has actually made them better as spiritual leaders. That is ridiculous and unbiblical.

When infomercials first hit it big, there was one lady selling a program offering help with relationships and marriage. She claimed she could help us build better homes, better families, and stronger, longer-lasting marriages. Then the truth came out - she had been married five times. She claimed it was these failures that made her so wise and had given her expertise on building successful relationships. Baloney!

I don't want a failure teaching me, but a success. Jesus is a great Savior and a great Lord, not because he was a failure but because when tempted he stood strong. When Satan came he sent him packing with the word and the power of the Spirit. This is the man you want on your side!

Too often, what we want is someone to sympathize with our failings. "There, there, it's okay. We all fail." Jesus is loving, sympathetic, kind, and compassionate. Yes. But he can go one step farther. He beat sin. He defeated it when tempted and he defeated it ultimately and eternally at the cross! He doesn't just pat you on the back about your failures; he transforms you to walk in victory.

Whatever you have been, in Christ you are destined for better. Because he succeeded where humanity failed, he can be our Wonderful Counselor. He can empower us to break free from the grip of sin and live in his righteousness. 
Father, thank you for the strength of your Son who gives me hope! I am a sinner but I have a Savior who beats sin. Do that work in my heart, Lord. . 

Consider God's Word:

Have you "made peace" with your sin? Remember that Jesus Christ came and died to destroy it!

Consider how these sins are tempting you now:
  • The lust of the flesh - fulfilling the body's desires in ungodly ways. 
  • The lust of the eyes - living for the things of this world. 
  • The pride of life - living for myself. 
Remember that in Christ, we have victory over these temptations!

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