Monday, July 18, 2022

"Pearls before Swine" July 18 Readings: Matthew 6:19-7:29


Reading the Bible Chronologically in 2022

This year, instead of reading from Genesis to Revelation, we will read the Bible as the story flows, as it happened and was written. There are several plans out there and I have worked to combine them into a plan that lets the Bible tell its own story "as it happened." Remember, the Bible is inspired, but not in the order the books appear in our Bibles. The Old Testament is approximately 3/4 of the Bible, but I have divided it so that we will spend half the year in the OT, and half the year in the NT. 

Bible Readings:  Matthew 6:19-7:29  


In one of my favorite movies, Inigo Montoya tells Vizzini that the word he keeps using, "inconceivable," doesn't mean what he thinks it means. Today's reading has some of the most misunderstood and misapplied scriptures in the Bible. Some of its teachings do not mean what people seem to think that they mean. 

After dealing with the law and with religion, Jesus in the remainder of the Sermon turns his attention to a series of ten teachings on life in the kingdom of God. The first four deal with financial issues - Storing up treasures in heaven, (6:19-21), a healthy eye (6:22-23), serving two masters (6:24), and living without anxiety (6:25-34). In chapter 7, Jesus gives eight teachings about relating to others and God - Judging (7:1-5), pearls before swine (7:6), asking and receiving (7:7-11), the Golden Rule (7:12), the narrow gate (7:13-14), judging a tree by its fruit (7:15-20), false confidence (7:21-23), and the house on the rock (7:24-27). 

They were amazed at the authority of Jesus when he spoke these things, but through the years the words of Jesus have been taken wrongly. His instruction about judging in 7:1-5 is a favorite among those who embrace sin and want no consequences. But, no, that's not what Jesus said. Some have taken Jesus' words about asking and receiving as a blank check for "positive confession" or treating God as some kind of heavenly vending machine. No, Jesus didn't say that. It is important, as always, that we read the words of Jesus carefully, prayerfully, and accurately. 

How? That is more an art than a science, of course, but here are some suggestions. 
  • Carefully observe the words of Jesus. For instance. Jesus doesn't tell us never to judge. He tells us to judge ourselves first so that we can accurately and graciously judge others. 
  • Compare scripture with scripture. Other verses tell us to inspect fruit and judge righteously. Other passages on prayer make it clear God is no heavenly vending machine. 
  • Consult reliable, faithful commentaries to aid in the process. The wisdom of the ages can help here.

Daily Devotional: Pearls before Swine 

The words of Jesus in Matthew 7:6 have been used as an insult by many throughout the years. 
Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you. 

If someone questions me, argues with me, or insults me, I simply invoke this verse and sanctimoniously dismiss them as dogs unworthy of my holiness or pigs who trample underfoot the pearls of my wisdom - and I use the words of Jesus to do it!

But is that what Jesus meant? Was Jesus telling us to treat people as dogs and pigs, to dismiss them as unworthy of our time and effort? Didn't he just tell us to love our enemies and pray for them? Didn't Jesus tell us to endure suffering for the sake of righteousness? Why would he now tell us to treat people as dogs and pigs? 

Well, in a word, he did not. 

To understand this message from Jesus, we only need to understand four simple things. 
  • What is a dog?
  • What is holy? 
  • What is a pearl?
  • What is a pig? 
We think of dogs very differently today than people did back then. The dogs Jesus spoke of were not pets, but predators, pack animals. They were scavengers who ate refuse. When Jesus spoke of what was holy he likely referred to sacrifices offered to God - the meat offered to God in Temple sacrifices. A pearl is a precious stone, a thing of value. Pigs were non-kosher, animals who rolled in filth. 

So, putting this all together (it's a form of Hebrew chiasm - but that's a lesson for another day), there are really two statements here, two lessons we need to learn and remember. 

1. Do not give what is holy (your body, your life, your sexuality, etc) to dogs (that which will devour and attack you). When we give in to our base, fleshly, sinful desires they tend to backfire on us. They turn and attack us, like a pack of dogs. 

Do not give your holy life, your holy body over to the dogs of sin. 

2. Do not give your precious pearls (your passions, your time, your energy, your gifts, and talents) to the pigs of profane, carnal, worldly pursuits. We were called to heavenly passions, to love God and not this world, to seek his glory and not the pleasures of this world. 

Do not cast the pearls of your passion and time before the swine of worldliness. 

No, Jesus did not give us this verse to use to bash others but to call us to live in holiness and spiritual passion. It is inconceivable (sorry, Vizzini) that we would fail to see the truth in this passage or settle for anything less than the real truth of this great verse. 

Father, too often I have given to dogs what was meant for you alone - my body as a living sacrifice. I have given my time and my energy to the things of this world. But I want my life to serve your glory.  

Consider God's Word:

As you read through the twelve key teachings in this section, there are likely to be two or three which hit home in your life today. Are you living in worry? Struggling to pray in faith? Having relationship issues? Which of these teachings are key issues in your life right now? 

Think and pray through Jesus' teaching on the issues. What does he tell you to do? 

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