Saturday, July 23, 2022

"No Fear" July 23 Readings: Matthew 10


Reading the Bible Chronologically in 2022

This year, instead of reading from Genesis to Revelation, we will read the Bible as the story flows, as it happened and was written. There are several plans out there and I have worked to combine them into a plan that lets the Bible tell its own story "as it happened." Remember, the Bible is inspired, but not in the order the books appear in our Bibles. The Old Testament is approximately 3/4 of the Bible, but I have divided it so that we will spend half the year in the OT, and half the year in the NT. 

Bible Readings:  Matthew 10  


Jesus reveals much of his leadership philosophy in Matthew 10. In the opening verses, he names his inner circle, the "Twelve" who would form the leadership core of his work (well, 11 of them would!). Volumes could be written about Jesus as a leader, but a few highlights must suffice here.

  • Jesus did not pick the best and the brightest - a serious error according to most leadership gurus. But Jesus chose those who would obey him, and he worked his power through them. His kingdom is ordinary people indwelled by an extraordinary God walking in the power of his Spirit. It's about God's ability, not theirs. Jesus picked Galilean fishermen, tax collectors, and one or two political zealots. 
  • He sent them out to do his work, walking in dependence on him. The disciples were significant because of their obedience and dependence, not their talent, charisma or any other human factor. 
  • He never promised them a rose garden! He let them know that serving him would not be easy. They would be ostracized, ridiculed, and even persecuted. 
  • He called his followers to lives of boldness, serving him with confidence. Why fear man, even those who persecute you, when you are serving the God of Heaven? 
  • He made it clear that following Jesus was life's highest commitment and that the call to Christ would sometimes divide friends and family. Jesus comes first. 
  • Being in God's service is a great privilege and honor. 

Daily Devotional:  No Fear

It is one of the most common commands in the New Testament. Just about every time an angel showed up, his first words were some variation of this message. It is a message we need to hear today, in this world of sin, perversion, terror, economic uncertainty, and so many other scary things.

Do not be afraid. Stop living in fear when we serve a God who is bigger than any power, problem, or force that can come against us. In Matthew 10:26, Jesus gives the command to his disciples as he sends them out into the world to minister in his name. That world would hate them, persecute them, and seek to destroy them, but there was nothing for them to be afraid of, Jesus said.

How could he say that? The men that he spoke to would face horrible days in their lives. They would suffer hardship and be martyred for Christ. They had plenty to be afraid of in the future, yet Jesus gave them this odd command. Yet he also gave them some good reasons to avoid fear.

  • He assured them that all things would be revealed, that the truth would be made known. Though they would be lied about and falsely accused, the light of God will shine and all things will be shown exactly as they are. Christian friend, there is no injustice that will befall you that God will not make right - in his time. 
  • In verse 28 Jesus reminds us that evil people cannot impact anything that matters eternally. They can harm the body, perhaps, but they cannot rob us of God's love, his blessings, or his eternal promises. 
  • Speaking of sparrows in verses 29-30, Jesus reminds us that God cares for us. Though all the world comes against us and the forces of darkness are arrayed all around us, we are enveloped in the love, the protection, the mighty hand of the sovereign of the universe. We need not be afraid. 

His conclusion is simple. We must acknowledge Jesus clearly and unequivocally in this world. He is worthy of our devotion and when we trust him we can live without fear.

Father, may I live for the glory of your Son and may there be no fear in my heart because of all you have promised me. 


Consider God's Word:

What is it that causes you fear? People? The future? Terror?
Remember that Jesus is over all and will see you through. Think and pray through these things that cause you fear and remind yourself of those truths that help us to live without fear. 

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