Tuesday, June 7, 2022

"A Happy Ending? " June 7 Readings: Jeremiah 41-46


Reading the Bible Chronologically in 2022

This year, instead of reading from Genesis to Revelation, we will read the Bible as the story flows, as it happened and was written. There are several plans out there and I have worked to combine them into a plan that lets the Bible tell its own story "as it happened." Remember, the Bible is inspired, but not in the order the books appear in our Bibles. The Old Testament is approximately 3/4 of the Bible, but I have divided it so that we will spend half the year in the OT, and half the year in the NT. 

Bible Readings:  Jeremiah 41-46  


Today's reading covers the end of Jeremiah's life and is chronologically the last of his writings. Though there are still prophecies to be presented in chapters 46-52, they come from earlier times in his life.

Gedaliah is murdered and replaced by Johanan and against Jeremiah's strong advice (a prophetic word from God) the people go to Egypt for protection from Babylon. They take Jeremiah with them and though there is no record of his death it is assumed that Jeremiah died during this time in Egypt.

Daily Devotional: A Happy Ending? 

I saw a quote from an actor about how great movies make you think. I read my Bible or books or other things to think. When I watch a movie I want to be entertained and I want a happy ending. I like action, adventure, maybe a little romance, but I want all the loose ends tied up in a neat little bow, the good guys to win, the bad guys to get what is coming to them, and everyone to go home happy.

If Hollywood was writing the book of Jeremiah it would end much differently. He prophesied the word of God faithfully for decades and was rejected. He was put under guard and then cast into a pit. His prophecy, written on a scroll, was read by the king then line by line was cut into strips and thrown into the fire. He was mistreated and abused regularly by Israel.

Then, all of his prophecies came true. Babylon attacked just as he had said and Judah was destroyed just as he had said. So, everyone came to him and said, "We are sorry, Jerry, for all the mistreatment. You deserve a statue and a proclamation in your honor. All of the remnant left in the land held him in high esteem and listened carefully to all he said from that day forward until he died and a glorious state funeral was held.


As you read today's story you see the obscure ending of Jeremiah's life. After a life of mistreatment, abuse, and rejection, he was taken against his will with the remnant when they went to Egypt against his advice and that is the last we hear of him. It is assumed that Jeremiah died there - whether he died of old age or illness or whether one of his enemies struck him down, we do not know. But he is taken to Egypt and he does not return.

This old prophet just faded away.

The commanders of the remnant came to him in chapter 42 and asked him what they should do. They promised him they would listen and do whatever the Lord told him they should do. They'd learned their lesson and would now be obedient to the word of the Lord through the prophet. Jeremiah gave them God's instruction - stay put. Don't leave. Don't flee to Egypt for safety. If you do, you will die there. And they promptly turned their backs again on Jeremiah and the God of Israel and did exactly what they'd been told not to do. They dragged Jeremiah with them. They turned to idolatry in Egypt, even though they knew it was idolatry that had caused the downfall of Judah.

Jeremiah died proclaiming truth to a people who rejected him to the very end.

But now, the rest of the story. When Jeremiah died - wherever, however, whenever it happened - the happy ending took place. He was received into heavenly glory and rewarded for his faithfulness there. He met the God he'd served and was welcomed eternal. "Well done!" We must remember two things. None of us is guaranteed a happy ending here on earth. Our reward is in heaven and while God does bless us it is the "well done" of the Savior that is our motivation to serve.

Father, may I serve faithfully to receive that "well done" that comes from you, regardless of what this world offers. 

Consider God's Word:

Do you expect and demand that everything always work out well here on earth? Remember that our reward is in heaven.

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