Saturday, January 1, 2022

Why? January 1 Readings: Genesis 1-3


Reading the Bible Chronologically in 2022

This year, instead of reading from Genesis to Revelation, we will read the Bible as the story flows, as it happened and was written. There are several plans out there and I have worked to combine them into a plan that lets the Bible tell its own story "as it happened." Remember, the Bible is inspired, but not in the order the books appear in our Bibles.  The Old Testament is approximately 3/4 of the Bible, but we will give more emphasis to the New Testament, spending half the year in the Old Testament and half in the New. 

Bible Readings:  Genesis 1-3


Obviously, Genesis 1-3 is about beginnings. The beginning of the world. The beginning of mankind. The beginning of sin and suffering. I am a literalist in my interpretations of these passages, though many diverge from that.

The purpose of a devotional such as this is not to dig into such controversies, but to look at the broad brushstrokes. Genesis 1-3 tells us that the world exists at God's command and for his purposes. The world is purposeful. There is a beginning, revealed here, and an ending that the Scriptures declares much later.

Genesis 3 also shows us the basic issue of life. Our good God asks us to obey him so that we can live under his blessing. The enemy whispers that God's commands are oppressive and unfair. The first pair chose the way of rebellion, which set in motion sin, death, and the need for Christ's redemption. Through Christ, we can choose to walk in obedience and live under the blessings he gives us.

Daily Devotional:  Why? 

Why is this world like it is? Is this what God intended? Why does evil sometimes seem to win and good people get the short end of things? There are so many tragedies and heartaches. Where is God when all of this happens? Even more basic – why does this world exist and why are we here?

There are no easy answers to these questions and anyone who offers clichés in response to those in quandary over these things is being simplistic. However, if we believe the word of God to be true, the structure from which we can understand the world, how it works, and why we are here is constructed. There will always be circumstances that confuse us and actions that anger us, but the creation account tells us what is going on in God’s world.

Secularists assure us that the world is a giant accident, the result of chance mutations and evolutionary processes. The Bible tells a very different story. The world exists because God willed it and spoke it into being. It was created by his power for his glory. Why do we exist? Mankind was created and received God’s breath of life for the same reason – to give glory to God. God also desired a creature who would love him, worship him, and fellowship with him. Simply, we were created to love God, serve God, glorify God, and worship him.  

It is clear that what is is not what God intended. The world is filled with death and sorrow and most people do not live to love God. What happened? Genesis 3 tells us that Adam and Eve made a choice to walk in rebellion and self-will. Like sheep, they went astray, listening to the lies of the Serpent instead of obeying and loving God. That is where the trouble started. We see God’s curse on the earth and the consequences for both men and women that came as a result of this sin.

God did not turn his back when mankind turned it’s. In Genesis 3:16, often called the protoevangelion (first gospel), he declared his intent to crush the serpent’s head. Oh yes, the serpent would strike his heel at the cross, thinking he had won a great victory, but Jesus rose up from the dead and dealt a death blow to the whisperer of Eden.

The choice of Adam and Eve is still the choice we have today. Will we walk with God as we were intended to do? Will we obey him, love him, serve him, and worship him? Or will we walk in rebellion against him?

The purposes of God in the very beginning have not been thwarted. They have not been frustrated. His purposes will be fulfilled in the end. Let us love him and serve him this year as we were created to do.
Father, may I live as you created me to live. May I worship you and serve you and love you with all my heart. May this coming year be one in which your will and your purposes dominate my life. 

Consider God's Word:

Is your life better characterized by the path of Adam and Eve - willful rebellion against God, his word, and his ways - or by the path of obedience and faith?

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