Wednesday, December 15, 2021

"Jesus Knows" December 15 Readings: Micah 3-4, Revelation 2:12–29, Psalm 142, Proverbs 30:21-23


 Through the Bible in 2021

Bible Readings:  Micah 3-4, Revelation 2:12–29, Psalm 142, Proverbs 30:21-23  

Daily Devotional: Jesus Knows 

Wouldn't you love to know exactly what Jesus Christ thinks of our church? Wouldn't it be interesting (or, perhaps, horrifying) to get a report card from him, a progress report that says exactly what he thinks of how we are doing as a church? There are seven churches that got exactly that - the seven churches of Asia Minor in Revelation 2 and 3. Yesterday we talked about Ephesus. Today we read the letters that Jesus sent to the churches of Pergamum and Thyatira.

One of my struggles has always been dealing with the opinions of others. When people have been angry at me or critical, it buries itself deep in my spirit, and often I've been too susceptible to praise and flattery. Proverbs says that the fear of man is a snare, that living my life according to man's opinion, to please others, is a path of folly.

But what does God think? Of course, I have the Holy Spirit dwelling in me to convict me of sin and to lead me in the ways of righteousness. But I can read what God said to the churches and see what pleases him and what does not.

One phrase sticks out to me in this reading. "I know." Jesus says it to the church at Thyatira in verse 19. "I know your works." I know what you have been doing. I can fool my church, at least for a while. I can fool my family, though likely for a shorter time. In fact, I can fool myself. Lots of people live in self-deception. But I cannot fool God. He knows exactly what is going on in my life. He knows the good and the bad, that which is of the flesh and of the Spirit. There is no point in rationalization or justification - he sees, he knows, and he judges rightly.

To the church of Pergamum, he says in verse 13, "I know where you dwell." He knows what is going on in my life. He knows my struggles and my hurts. He knows the pain I'm going through and the challenges I'm facing. He knows exactly what is happening in my life.

Both of these are true in our church as well. He knows what we are doing and he knows what we are going through. We need to look at ourselves honestly and let God's Spirit work his work in us.

The problem in these two churches is another devotional entirely. The issue was tolerance. Jesus did something strange to our ears. He rebuked the church at Thyatira - for being tolerant! They were tolerant of sin in their midst. They let a wicked woman run the church and lead many people astray. Tolerating evil is never acceptable to the servant of God.

But the specifics are not the issue today. Just remember that God knows. Your Savior knows. Jesus sees all! He knows what is going on in your heart and in your life. He knows your struggles and he sees your choices. As you pray, there is no point in trying to put on a show. He sees behind the mask. He sees you! Your heart and soul! He sees deep into your spirit. He knows. Let his Spirit search your soul and conform you to Christ.

Father, forgive me for my artifice, for my silly attempts to pretend. You see and you know. Lead me in the paths of righteousness and conform me to Christ. 


Consider God's Word:

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

Which of the churches reminds you most of yours?
If Jesus was reviewing your life and your church, what would he say?
Let God's Spirit use the Word to speak truth to you today.

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