Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Cosmic Irony of Redemption - Himalayan Heights – June 16 Readings: Colossians 1:18-20 – God’s Fullness


Colossians 1:15-2:15- Christ in You, Your Hope of Glory

All Scripture is God-breathed and useful, but there are some Scriptures that we can consider the Himalayan mountaintops of the Bible. In the next few months, we will be looking at a series of great texts that inspire and move us - the "Himalayan Heights" of God's Word.

Today's Reading:  Colossians 1:18-20

The Colossian church was beset by heresy, one we do not know specifically. All we know for sure is that it hit at the heart of the Gospel and elevated other things above Jesus. Paul told them our faith was all about Jesus. He exalted Jesus and told them that Christ in them was their hope of glory.

Again, read the entire text of Colossians 1:15-2:15 every day, then focus on our featured passage during this week. This week, we exalt Jesus!

18 He is also the head of the body, the church;he is the beginning,the firstborn from the dead,so that he might come to have first place in everything.19 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him,20 and through him to reconcile everything to himself, whether things on earth or things in heaven,by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.

Through the Bible Readings: 1 Chronicles 18-19, John 17, Psalm 73:25–28, Proverbs15:10–12

If you wish to read through the Bible in a year, follow these readings. 

Devotional: Cosmic Irony of Redemption    

Yesterday, we focused on Jesus, Lord of Creation, the firstborn, preeminent over all the earth. Today, in the passage in which Paul in correcting the heresy which was beginning to grow and spread in Colossae, he focuses on the fact that Jesus is Lord of the Church because he redeemed us through his blood.

The passage mentions several qualities that demonstrate the supremacy and greatness of Jesus, for which we ought to exalt and glorify our savior. He is the head of the church because he rose from the dead - the first to do so - and establish it by grace. This gives him an absolute right to have preeminence - first place - in all things. All of the fullness of the glory and character of God dwelt in him and through him, God reconciled the world to himself, by the blood he shed on the cross. Jesus is exalted and awesome - worthy of all of our praise.

And that is the irony.

In this world it is usually the weak person who seeks the favor of the strong, the poor person who curries favor with the rich, the powerless who seek to find their way into the good graces of those who hold power. Those who are powerful can ignore the "little people" and go on their way because they are so important.

That is not how Jesus did things. Consider all the words of praise offered about our Savior in these verses - he was presented as firstborn over creation and firstborn of the resurrection. He is Lord of all and his glory fills the earth. This awesome, glorious, powerful, infinite Savior and Lord of the universe cares about you and your needs. He loves you and seeks you and laid down his life for your good. The firstborn of all creation and the Lord of the church laid down his life for yours.

Can you fathom that?

Father, I thank you for the mighty grace of Jesus Christ who, though he is Lord of all, cares about me and my needs. He laid down his glorious life for my sinful life. 

Think and Pray:

Again, write down everything this passage says about Jesus and reflect on it.
Consider the irony of someone this eternally and universally great laying down his life for you. 

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