Sunday, February 4, 2018

"Led by God" February 4 Readings: Numbers 5-9

Today's Reading - Numbers 5-9

I promise you that today is the LAST of the intensely difficult readings (for now at least). Numbers has some more interesting and moving stories that will start tomorrow.

All Scripture is useful for our edification. Some of it is just more interesting than others!


We continue to read texts that seem strange to us. Chapter 5 is one of the oddest passages in the Bible - a method for determining if a wife is actually unfaithful. It is one of those "passages we have trouble explaining." Chapter 6 explains the Nazirite vows. Nazirite comes from the Hebrew word for consecrated and was a special vow - usually short term - that men took as an act of dedication. Some have confused "Nazirite" with "Nazarene" but they are different words. Jesus was from Nazareth but there is no evidence he ever took a Nazirite vow.

The priests make offerings in chapter 7, and then are consecrated in chapter 8. In chapter 9 the Passover is observed for the second time. It is sad to note that though the Passover was meant to be an annual remembrance of the saving act of God for Israel, there is evidence that they seldom observed it before the return from exile in Babylon.

The final section in today's reading, 9:15-23, tells how the Israelites were guided by God, by the cloud that represented the presence, the Shekinah glory of God.

Devotional - Led by God

Israel's camp was laid out in detail (perhaps more detail than you wanted!) by God. The Tabernacle was in the middle surrounded by the courtyard. It was here that worship took place. The Twelve Tribes of Israel were arrayed in an orderly fashion around the Tabernacle - three on the north, three on the south, three on the east, and three on the west. God was to be at the center of the life of the nation.

Israel stayed where it was until the awesome power of God made it clear that it was time to move. There was a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night that settled on the Tabernacle - God's presence was strong with his people.

When God wanted his people to move, the cloud would lift and the people would break camp, following the cloud until it came down again and reestablishing camp in the new location. They would stay where the cloud was and move where the cloud went.
Whether it was two days, a month, or longer, the Israelites camped and did not set out as long as the cloud stayed over the tabernacle. But when it was lifted, they set out. They camped at the Lord’s command, and they set out at the Lord’s command. Numbers 9:22-23
Israel was to be led by God. That was always the secret to success among the people of God. They went where God told them to go. They said what God told them to say. They did what God told them to do. Led by God.

We have nothing as visible as a pillar of cloud or fire to lead us, but we do have the indwelling Holy Spirit within to guide us. Jesus actually promised his disciples that the Spirit in them would be better than Jesus with them! The Spirit guides us in our lives, using the word of God to speak to us, transform us, and empower us.

Our status may not be as grand and glorious as the Israelites but it is infinitely better. God, having saved us, is at work within us to make us all he wants us to be. He places his pillar of fire in our hearts to lead us into the paths of righteousness and to guide us into ministry.

Father, thank you for the indwelling Spirit who leads me in your ways

Think and Pray

Are you careful to read God's word and in the power of the Spirit, to do as it says?
Do you live your life as you please or are you led daily by the indwlling Spirit of God?

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