Thursday, April 11, 2019

"A Daily Death" April 11 Readings: Judges 3-5, Luke 9:23-45, Psalm 45:9-17, Proverbs 10:25-26

Today's ReadingsJudges 3-5, Luke 9:23-45, Psalm 45:9-17, Proverbs 10:25-26

Devotional - A Daily Death

In all of these chapters and verses, sometimes it is just one word that sticks out and strikes me. Today, it is one word from a verse I quote about as often as any other, Luke 9:23. The verse strikes at the heart of the problem, where modern American Christianity diverges from the faith of the New Testament era Christians.
“If anyone wants to come with Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Me."
Today, Christianity is often preached as a motivational, self-help system. God will help find your self-esteem, be happy and healthy, and be the best, most successful you that you can possibly be. In this aberration of the faith, Christ came to help us attain our goals, dreams, aspirations, and ambitions. It's all about me.

But biblical Christianity is something very different. Following Jesus means walking the Way of the Cross. We must first deny ourselves - turning away from our own ambitions, our own pleasure, to serve Jesus Christ. We must also take up our cross. The cross was an instrument of death. Conversion is often described in the Bible as experiencing the death and resurrection of Christ. "We are buried with him by baptism into death" and "raised to walk a new life in Christ." We die to self and are born again to a new life in Christ.

As those who attend Southern Hills know very well, I quote this verse as much as any other. It gets to the heart of the issue. What kind of faith do you have? A self-serving, self-aggrandizing faith that is a spiritual fiction? Or the true faith of the Bible - dying to self to live for Christ.

But there is one word in that passage that is too often ignored but must not be.
 Being saved was something I did once, and only once. In February of 1964, my dad led me in prayer as I lay on my bed and I put my faith in Christ. Once. But the decision to take up my cross and follow Christ is one I must make every day.

That is why we need these daily Bible readings and prayer times. That is why it is not enough to go to church on Sunday (as important as that is). The heart and soul of the Christian life is a decision you must repeat every single day. Every day I must decide that I will not serve myself. Every day I must take up my cross, die to self again, and decide to follow Jesus. Every day!

You may have heard this well-worn but absolutely true statement: "you cannot live on yesterday's manna." Our walk with Christ must be renewed day by day. Many years ago, I made a lifelong, even eternal commitment to Christ. I gave myself to him. Once for all. But it is a commitment that must be renewed every single day. I cannot live on yesterday's commitment, yesterday's passion, yesterday's decision. The choice to follow Jesus on the Way of the Cross is one that needs to be made every single day.
Father, I've made big commitments to you, but I've all too often failed to renew that commitment daily, as your Son commanded. May I deny myself today, take up my Cross today, and follow you today. 

Think and Pray

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

Is your faith a daily thing, a regular walk with God?
Do you remind yourself every day to die to self and to live for Christ?
Remember that there is no substitute for dying to self if you want to follow Christ.

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