Today's Reading - Jeremiah 35-40
Jeremiah here presents a narrative of the end of the Kingdom of Judah and its wicked kings. The chilling story of King Jehoiakim cutting the scroll bit by bit and burning it is a reminder of the dangers of abandoning God's word.
Later, Jeremiah was imprisoned and even thrown in a cistern - all because of his fidelity to God.
Devotional - Prophet in the Pit
Jeremiah sat in the mire and muck, his life ebbing away as he sank into the mud. Jeremiah 38 tells the story of weak, sinful King Zedekiah who was pressured and manipulated by some of his advisors to cast the incarcerated prophet into the cistern.
“Here he is; he’s in your hands since the king can’t do anything against you.”Strange words for the king to say. He was supposed to be the man in charge. But he was too scared to stand up to the men who came against Jeremiah.
And what was it that these men had against Jeremiah? Had he committed a crime done something awful? No, they didn't like the word of God that Jeremiah had spoken.
“This man ought to die, because he is weakening the morale of the warriors who remain in this city and of all the people by speaking to them in this way. This man is not pursuing the welfare of this people, but their harm.”They were not interested in hearing what God said. They wanted to hear that everything was good, that God was on their side, and that nothing bad was going to happen. Jeremiah was preaching that God was going to judge the nation. Jeremiah's insistence on fidelity to God was making them angry and uncomfortable.
Standing by the truth of God is no guarantee that we will be received well or that the world will applaud us. In fact, it may often be the opposite. Many will hate the truth we proclaim and call us dangerous for daring to voice the words of God. Calling sin sin and believing in objective truth and eternal moral standard of God, as well as calling Jesus the only hope for the entire world - these will never be well received.
But we must be faithful to God and not seek the approval of people. It is always better to suffer for the truth than to prosper in lies and compromise.
Father, I thank you that Jesus Christ is truth and that your word is truth. Help me to proclaim that truth regardless of the response of the world or people in the world.
Think and Pray
Are you willing to speak the truth of God even if people respond badly to it, or do you hold back to avoid offending?
Do you have biblical courage?
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