Saturday, July 1, 2017

"Better than Gold" July 1 Readings: 2 Chronicles 19-20, Acts 5:32–6:15, Psalm 78:33–39, Proverbs 16:15–16

Today's Readings - 2 Chronicles 19-20, Acts 5:32–6:15, Psalm 78:33–39, Proverbs 16:15–16


What would you do for a brick of gold bullion? Would you walk a marathon? (I'd sure try!)  Would you give away the family's secret cookie recipe? Would you move? Change jobs? Take on a dangerous task? I would not compromise my moral or spiritual values for gold, but there are a lot of things I'd do, or attempt to do, for several pounds of gold.

There are few things more valuable than gold. As of this writing, an ounce of gold is worth nearly 1400 dollars. You can buy a lot of things with a pound of gold, right? A brick of gold? Hard to even calculate it!

And yet Solomon says it has little value compared to Wisdom! Look at his bold and startling assertion in Proverbs 16:16.
Get wisdom—
how much better it is than gold!
And get understanding—

it is preferable to silver.

Wisdom is the ability to choose what is right and good, to make the choices that bring good consequences and the blessing of God. Understanding, often translated discernment, is the ability to choose between the right path and the wrong path, to read life's map.

Solomon asserts that these abilities are better than gold and silver. He knows what he is talking about because when God offered him whatever he might want, he chose discernment and wisdom over anything else. He realized that knowing right from wrong and choosing the path of God is the key to all the blessings life as.

Our relationship with God is based on the grace of God and was purchased for us on the Cross. We are saved by God's mercy. But it is as we choose what is right and good, by God's wisdom and power, that we experience all the blessings God has for us in this world. Those blessings are worth far more than anything gold can buy.

This is important to remember as we walk through this world, where someone has switched the price tags. Money and the things that it buys are often seen as the highest value. Or entertainment. Or popularity. Or power. Or whatever! But God's word says that the highest value is the ability to choose what is right and walk in the blessing of God.

Father, may I remember what is of real worth in this world. May I choose your wisdom and your grace. 

Think and Pray

As you examine your life, are you valuing the things God says are of highest value? Or are you investing in the temporal instead of the eternal?
If your life continues in the direction it is headed, will it be eternally significant?

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