Tuesday, May 9, 2017

"A Power Illusion" May 9 Readings: 2 Samuel 7-8, Luke 23:1–25, Psalm 59:1–6, Proverbs 12:19-20

Today's Readings -  2 Samuel 7-8, Luke 23:1–25, Psalm 59:1–6, Proverbs 12:19-20


We live in a world of illusion. Think about Jesus as he stood before Pilate, in Luke 23:1-5, and before Herod in Luke 23:6-13. These were powerful men and Jesus was a prisoner, a pauper, seemingly under their thumb.

Consider what everyone else thought as Jesus stood before Pilate, thinking that Pilate held Jesus' life in his hands. People stood there wondering what Pilate was going to do with Jesus, what decision he would make. Jesus was at the mercy of the Roman governor - so thought everyone who was there that day.

But that was nothing but an illusion. Pilate was not running the show that day. Satan moved in hearts and tried to destroy Jesus, but he was not in charge. Evil men did evil things, but the religious leaders were not dictating the course of events. Despite appearances, nobody was doing anything to Jesus. He was doing as he willed, according to the Father's plan devised in eternity past for the redemption of man. God was doing what he purposed to do.

That is the illusion we live with. It appears that evil men are doing evil things and that the purposes of God are threatened. Nothing could be further from the truth. God is still on the throne. Does it seem like things are so bad that nothing good can come from them? That is an illusion. Do you feel abandoned by God? It's not real. Does it seem certain that evil will prevail and the cause of righteousness be defeated in this world? A mirage in the desert. That is not reality.

God is at work. His purposes are sometimes hidden and his plans are often confusing to us. He works on his own time table, not ours. But make no mistake, our God is in control. He is still working out his plan in this world and all his promises are still true - no matter how it looks.

Our job as believers is to look at God and his word and hold on to the truth, regardless of what seems to be real in this world. We walk by faith and not by sight. We have to believe what we cannot see.

Father, sometimes I get my eyes on this world and begin to despair. It is so wicked all around. But I thank you that you are in control, completely trustworthy and faithful in every way - regardless of what my eyes see or my heart feels. 

Think and Pray

Do you sometimes fret and worry about elections, about the power and schemes of man? Remember the words of Jesus to Pilate. God is in charge. Meditate on the authority and power of God in all things.

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