Tuesday, April 4, 2017

"The Downcast Soul" April 4 Readings: Joshua 13-14, Luke 6:27–49, Psalm 42:4–11, Proverbs 10:11-12

Today's Readings - Joshua 13-14, Luke 6:27–49, Psalm 42:4–11, Proverbs 10:11-12


There is something inspiring about overcoming odds, defeating Goliath, dreaming the impossible dream and accomplishing what no one ever thought you would. But repeated failure, hardship, oppression and disappointment can suck the hope and joy out of life. 

David was always facing some kind of great obstacle. Sometimes, he defeated them in the power of God. Sometimes, things fell apart and he had to deal with hurt, grief, and pain. He did what was best - he poured out that pain to God, lamenting the evil in the world and how it was crashing down on him.

In Psalm 42:6, he says, “My soul is cast down within me.” We do not know the source of David’s angst here, but during his life he was pursued by Saul, opposed by great enemies, betrayed by his closest friends and watched his own family crumble after his sin with Bathsheba. There was a lot of junk in David’s life and sometimes the clouds covered the sun and darkness gripped his soul. 

In verse 7 he says, “All your breakers and your waves have swept over me.” Ever been to the beach when the surf is up? Wave after wave breaks over the shore. That is how David describes his life. It was no single wave that had him down in the dumps, but one thing after another was crushing him, again and again, until his strength was depleted, his joy gone, and all hope vanished.

But, he knew where he could go for strength. Verses 5 and 11 are the refrain in this song. 
Why are you cast down, O my soul,
    and why are you in turmoil within me?
Hope in God; for I shall again praise him,
    my salvation and my God.
When there is no hope in the world, there is still hope – hope in God! In the midst of his pain and suffering David affirmed his faith. “I shall again praise him.”  God would once again become his salvation – the one who sustained and delivered him.

Maybe this is a time of great victory and growth for you. Praise God. But perhaps some who read this are, like David, in a time of failure and defeat. Discouraged, wondering if you will ever win the battle, if things will ever turn around, you are tempted to despair. We need to personalize the words of this psalm to address ourselves. 

Why so discouraged or depressed Dave? Why do you live in this turmoil and stress? Hope in God - he is big enough to handle all your hurt and your pain. Lift your praise to him, the Savior and Sovereign Lord of your life! You have a big God who loves you and will never give up on you!

Lord, I thank you that you are bigger than my pain and my failures. May my hope always be in you, my salvation and my God!

Think and Pray

If you are "on a roll" right now, thank God and pray for someone you know who is hurting, struggling, or discouraged.
But if you are walking through your own dark times, if you are "cast down" like David, then take your burdens to God and find the strength that only he can give.

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