Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Story of Christmas, Day 4: Tuesday, November 29 – Isaiah 9:6-7 The Names of Jesus

On the fourth day of Christmas, my Bible said to me...Jesus is an amazing Savior - the names he deserves are glorious and he is even greater than they are!

Today's Reading: Isaiah 9:6-7

6 For to us a child is born,
    to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
    and his name shall be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
7 Of the increase of his government and of peace
    there will be no end,
on the throne of David and over his kingdom,
    to establish it and to uphold it
with justice and with righteousness
    from this time forth and forevermore.

The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.

Devotional Thoughts

Hi, my name is Dave.

It's not a name that means much to me, just a way for people to identify me. A Hebrew name, it is likely rooted in a Hebrew word that means "beloved" but that meaning has never spoken deeply into my soul. It's just a name I use to sign checks and credit card receipts.

Not so in the Bible. In those days names were identifiers of character. When a man met the Living God his name often changed because he (or she) became a new person. Abram became Abraham. Sarai became Sarah. Jacob became Israel. And the OT is filled with names for God that described his character, person, and his great acts of power.

In the messianic prophecy of Isaiah 9:6-7, God reveals four great names of Jesus Christ. The baby who would come, on whose shoulders the government of the whole world would one day rest, was revealed to be the Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace.

Do you ever find this world confusing, terrifying, and overwhelming? The advice you receive in this world is "get some counseling." I say amen. I'd like to recommend a counselor to you. He's not like any other counselor, though. He's wonderful. That word means that he is of extraordinary, surpassing quality - inspiring awe. Jesus is your counselor - one who gives direction, wisdom, leadership in life. When the Lord is your Shepherd, you shall not want. He will lead you and guide you throughout all of life's difficulties and trials and will be your constant Lord, companion, friend, sustainer, hope, joy, and protector. You couldn't find a better counselor. He went through everything you are going through - and he succeeded!

Is your life a battle? If it isn't, you aren't doing it right. We wrestle against the principalities and powers, don't we? We are citizens of heaven living on earth representing the Lord they hated and crucified. It is going to be a battle. In this battle, you need a Mighty God at the head of the army. The word mighty implies one who is victorious in battle. Our Lord Jesus is no wimpy pacifist as he is sometimes portrayed. For heaven's sake, read Revelation. He is described as glorious and awesome and he rides out of heaven to strike down all who oppose him. Don't mess with my Jesus! He is the Mighty God who defeats his foes - and ours. Anyone who comes against us because of our stand for him faces a fearsome future.

Everlasting Father? This one is tough for us because we believe in the Trinity. Jesus is not the Father, he is the Son! This verse seems to present some difficulties here. But it's not a problem when you accept that the prophecy is speaking of the role of the father, not using technical theological categories. There's no confusion between the Persons of the Trinity. What does a father do for his children? He loves them. He provides for them. He protects them. He sacrifices his own life for the sake of theirs. That is who Jesus is. Our "father." He loves us with an eternal love and sacrifices himself for our spiritual and eternal good. He protects us from every spiritual enemy that would come against us and he provides all that we need for our lives. And it never ends. His provision is everlasting!

We live in a world of war. There are wars and rumors of wars throughout this world - national conflict, racial and tribal conflict, socio-economic conflict. Families are in conflict, businesses are in conflict, and it is clear that our nation is torn apart by conflict. The worst part is that people are in conflict - personal, inner turmoil that leaves us unable to sleep, unable to live and love as God intended. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Simply put, what Jesus rules is at peace. When Jesus rules your heart, your inner life will be at peace. If he rules your home, your home will be at peace. When Jesus rules this world, it will find true peace.

Let Jesus rule - he is the Prince of Peace.

Let me ask you a simple question. What is it you need that Jesus does not provide? You are a sinner, he gives salvation through his blood on the cross. You are anxious and in turmoil? Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Your life is a struggle? Jesus will provide, protect, and love you like a father - one whose love never ends. Are there battles in your life? Jesus is the Mighty God who overcomes your foes. Are you confused and needing guidance? He is our Wonderful Counselor who will see us through every struggle of life as a faithful guide.

What you need, he provides.

Thank you, Father, for who you are and who your Son is. He is my Wonderful Counselor who shows me the way, the Mighty God who fights for me, the Everlasting Father who provides for and protects me, and the Prince of Peace who gives me a peace that passes understanding. Thank you for a Savior so amazing 

Think and Pray

Consider what these four great names of Christ mean.

  • He is our Wonderful Counselor who leads, guides, and protects us. 
  • He is our Mighty God who overcomes all those who stand against righteousness. 
  • He is our Everlasting Father who protects and provides for us. 
  • He is our Prince of Peace who rules our heart with a peace that passes understanding. 
Consider both what these names mean and how they apply to your life on a daily basis. If these names are true (and they are) how does that affect our lives?

Carol of the Day

Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace!
Hail the Sun of Righteousness!
Light and life to all he brings,
risen with healing in his wings.
Mild, he lays his glory by,
born that we no more may die,
born to raise us from the earth,
born to give us second birth.
Hark the herald angels sing!
Glory to the newborn king. 

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