Sunday, August 7, 2016

Scaling Mt. Everest! More than Conquerors - August 7 Reading: Romans 8

Today's Reading


Today (yesterday when you read this) we took our granddaughter to Broken Kettle Grasslands and we marveled at the beautiful views of the rolling Loess Hills and enjoyed the bison that roamed there. It is not hard to impress an Iowan with hills. I can only imagine standing on the summit of Mt. Everest and seeing that view.

That's where we stand today, looking at the final declarations of this glorious chapter.

Devotional - More than Conquerors

I'm a competitive person; I like to win. I like it when the teams I cheer for come out on top. The Super Bowl this year was glorious not only because Peyton and the Broncos won but because they beat all the teams I didn't like.

The last few weeks and months I feel like I've been involved in some giant battles - that's just the way life is sometimes - and I don't always feel like I'm winning. It's not like our church is coming apart at the seams or anything, but it's been a stressful time in a lot of ways. Some of the things going on in the denomination have created stress for me as well. The national election. Financial matters. Personal conflicts. Constant stress, pressure, and the relentless strain of criticism, negativity, and frustration.

I'm guessing your life isn't always easy either.

These things can get us down, make us blue, even leave us irritable, depressed, and wanting to give up. That is why the truths of Romans 8:35-39 are so crucial.

It all begins with the fourth of the questions we examined yesterday. "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?" Is there anything that can interrupt the flow of God's love to us in Christ?

Paul lists a series of possibilities in verse 35.
Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?
The quote, in verse 36 makes it clear that all of these can be realities in our lives. Christianity does not eliminate these from our lives or guarantee us lives of ease and comfort - the prosperity preachers are not preaching the word of God. Our lives can be fill with distress, need, danger, and even martyrdom as we walk in the will of God. 

But in all of these things, we are "more than conquerors" according to verse 37. We defeat them. How? It is not that we avoid trouble or deny the difficulty of it. No, we are more than conquerors because no matter what comes our way we continue to experience the will of God. 

Remember Stephen? They were bouncing stones off of him to kill him, and he was enraptured in peace - a peace that passes understanding. We are more than conquerors because these things the enemy sends to try to destroy the work of God in us just drive us into the arms of the savior. 

Nothing he does can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ. Nothing. Nothing. Ever. 

Welcome to the summit of Mt. Everest.  

Think and Pray

Thank God for the great and glorious promise that his love in Christ is real no matter what this world throws at  you.
Remember that this world can be filled with hardships but the love of Christ is not hindered by the hardships of this world.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

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