Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Scaling Mt. Everest! Abba, Father - August 2 Reading: Romans 8

Today's Reading


It is an odd thing that while I am doing 7 days of devotionals on one chapter, I am finding myself regretting the fact that I am having to ignore so many great truths. In verses 2-11 there is a powerful, if also theologically involved passage about how the law of the Spirit sets us free from the law of sin and death, and how the Spirit of God now leads us. There are enough issues in that section to fill a tome.

Suffice it to say that we live our lives not by the power of the flesh or by human rules, but by the power of the indwelling Spirit. He gives us the strength to obey God and to walk in his ways.

As a sideline, verse 9 is another key verse that proves that the Baptism of the Spirit is not something that is for a few, but is something that all believers have experienced at salvation. We may or may not walk in the fullness of the Spirit who dwells within, but we all have the Spirit if we belong to Christ.

Devotional - Abba, Father

Some years ago, we traveled down to Florida to visit my parents. I'd been married for more than a decade, living on my own, and had my own family. But when we piled in the van, drove through the night, and arrived at the family mansion in Kissimmee, I walked to the back door, opened it, poked my head in and yelled, "Hey, we are here." I didn't knock. I didn't ring the bell. I just went right in.

I was family. Family doesn't have to stand outside and knock. Family comes right in!

I've struggled all my life with insecurity and with acceptance. Some might have trouble believing that since I'm sometimes kind of loud and I guess I give off a sense of confidence at times. But deep down I second guess myself, I feel inadequate, and I wonder if anyone would ever really accept me if they knew me. I've often taken that to my relationship with God. I know all about eternal security - and I believe it. But I also struggle to accept that God would really love me and include me eternally. I used to joke that I felt God had written my name in the Book of Life in pencil and had his eraser poised!

These insecurities are lies from the enemy and have no root in truth. Here in Romans 8:15-17 Paul makes a powerful claim about God.
For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” 16 The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.
We were not redeemed only to be soldiers in God's kingdom, though soldiers we are! We are not simply servants, though serve we must. We have received the spirit of adoption as sons and now we can cry "Abba." That is what a Hebrew child would call his father. Abba. I'm not an unwanted, tolerated, disdained servant in the household of heaven.

I am a SON! I'm family. I'm a joint-heir with Christ and I'm part of the family. Why? I didn't earn it, but I received it as a gift. Jesus' grace not only washed away my sins and gave me a place in heaven, he made me a part of the divine family! That is true security, true joy.
Father, I thank you that you love me as a son, that you have  brought me into your family and included me as an inheritor of your blessings. Help me to walk in the security of your love and grace, knowing who I am in your eyes.
Think and Pray
Do you deal with insecurity? With what the world calls "low self-esteem?"
Consider this passage and the fact that in Christ, we have been adopted into God's family and been given a place as sons (inheritors) of all God has.
Pray through that concept and find your security in him.

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