Friday, August 19, 2016

Creation to Christ: Reading 12 - August 19, 2016 - Genesis 37, 39-41 Blessing from Suffering

Today’s Readings


Genesis is a book of beginnings - the creation of the world, of humanity, the fall into sin, the choice of Israel as God's people. But it is much more than a book of historical facts; it also begins to unveil the character and ways of the God we serve. We have seen that God uses ordinary, flawed people and does his work through them. We've observed how God transforms people when they encounter him. We looked at how God sent a miracle baby, foreshadowing his redemptive plan.

In this first book, we see glimpses of the God who will be revealed in glory through the rest of the Bible. Today's reading shows more of God's character and ways. God took Joseph through years of suffering and unfair treatment before he revealed fully his plans. Not only do we see God's sustaining grace and the wonder of his sovereign plan, but we see that God prepares those he plans to use.

God had a powerful purpose for Joseph, to make him a ruler. But to be ready for the job God had for him, Joseph's character had to be developed. Character precedes usefulness. Before God can use a man greatly he must sometimes send him through painful situations that build faith, character, and humility.

When, in God's timing, Joseph was ready to do God's will, God elevated him and put him in the place of prominence - when he was ready.

One other key truth we have learned from this book. God works in such a way that it often seems as if his promises will fail. Abraham waited 25 years after God gave him an absurd promise. Joseph was told he would be a ruler and then he became a slave and a prisoner - for 13 years.

God will often allow circumstances to make it look like his promises will fail and that is where faith comes in. That's the God we serve. 

Devotional - When Circumstances Lie

Joseph’s story is both tragic and glorious.  He was Jacob’s favorite son, and that bred jealousy among his brothers.  They sold him into slavery in Egypt – a teenage boy betrayed by his family.  He became a slave to Potiphar, who grew to love him.  Unfortunately, Potiphar’s wife also had feelings for him – the wrong kind.  Joseph resisted her advances, but that did not stop Mrs. Potiphar of accusing him of assault.  Joseph ended up spending many years in an Egyptian dungeon.  When he interpreted the dream of Pharaoh’s cupbearer, he had a moment of hope, but that was snuffed as the cupbearer forgot about him for two whole years.

Then, it all changed in one day.  Joseph awoke one morning as a slave and went to bed that night as the second most powerful man in the world.  Pharaoh had a restless night, dreaming about cows and ears of grain.  The dreams troubled him.  As he discussed them, the cupbearer suddenly remembered Joseph, who interpreted his dream.  Joseph was summoned, interpreted Pharaoh’s dream, and advised Pharaoh about how to handle the lean years that were to come.  Pharaoh decided that because of Joseph’s wisdom, he would be the perfect man to be Egypt’s second-in-charge.  What a day for Joseph.

But to get to that wonderful day, Joseph had to go through thirteen years of struggle and hardship. it might have seemed to him that God was deaf to his prayers and had forgotten him, but he had not. Joseph continued to serve God faithfully until the answer came. 

I am often frustrated by how long struggles continue, how slow the victories are to come or my prayers are to be answered. It is easy to look in the mirror and despair, to give up hope, to lose enthusiasm for the battle.  But we must not do that.  We cannot.  God is in charge, and where he is at work there is never any justification to abandon hope. God may be slow but his timing is perfect. 

Remember this: every circumstance in Joseph's life screamed that God's promise was not going to come true; that the visions of his youth would fail. But God was at work even when Joseph couldn't see it or feel it. God was preparing Joseph for the work he had before him. When the time was right, God's plan was revealed.  

God is at work all around us. Often we fail and are uncooperative with that work, but God's work continues. Circumstances may tell you to despair of God's promises, but a man or woman of God learns to live by Gd's word and to serve him faithfully, regardless of what is happening in the world.
God, I trust you.  Sometimes I cannot see what you are doing and I struggle to understand. But like Joseph I want to keep serving you and wait for your timing to reveal your power. Help me to trust you and walk in confidence in what you can do in me!

Think and Pray

Are you looking for promotion and usefulness without allowing God to build your character and prepare you for the task?
Do  you trust the plan of God for your life, even when circumstances seem to say its not going to happen?

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