Friday, May 20, 2016

Seeking Restoration - May 20 Readings: 2 Corinthians 12:11-13:14


As he always does, Paul closed his letter with personal comments and admonitions. There's almost a note of regret in his tone. He's been harsh and he wants to leave on a good note. He calls them to unity, to strive for restoration and unity - which is always the purpose, even when he is giving a stern rebuke.

He is preparing to come and visit them for the third time and hopes that he can do so in joy and peace, not in conflict and tension. 

Devotional - Seeking Restoration

Let's be brief today - that's a good change of pace for me, isn't it, after some of my recent posts? Paul's letter to the Corinthians is harsh because there were some bad apples there, people who stirred up dissension and caused trouble for him. Sometimes he called them out pretty clearly.

But in 2 Corinthians 13:11 he says 3 words we need to hear.
Aim for restoration. 
I know Christians, some of them Christian leaders, which ho are quick to write people off if they fail, if they stir up dissension, if they cause problems. Some pastors will seek strong action against anyone in a church who even questions them or fails to fully supporthas  their agenda. "If you are not for me you are against me."

But Paul expressed the heart of Jesus Christ. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. While we were unlovely, undesirable, broken and rebellious, God poured out his love. As Christians we must be like Christ.

We cannot give up on people. Yes, there may come a time when you have to stop responding to a person's contacts because they have become abusive, or seek legal protection from someone who is dangerous. But in every human relationship we "always hope" and "always persevere." (1 Cor. 13). We trust Jesus, who changes lives.

Maybe the reason Paul was unwilling to give up on others is that he knew that LGod did not give up on him when he was the persecutor of the church.

Aim for restoration. It may not be possible. But as far as is in you, as the Spirit empowers you, seek to rebuild your marriage, repair that relationship, release the grudge, reconcile and be restored where sin has broken relationships. Commit yourself to being an agent of God's reconciliation, remembering the power of God.

Father, may I always trust in your power and remember your heart for reconciliation and grace. 

Think and Pray

Are there those with whom you have a broken relationship?
Pray that God would work through you to "aim for restoration."

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