Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Never Give Up - April 26 Readings: 2 Thessalonians 3


Paul's letters to the Thessalonians end with a renewal of his admonition against idleness. This was likely not a simple problem of laziness, but a misapplication of the teaching of the end times. Have you heard of groups that dropped out of society to await the coming of Christ? That is what the Thessalonians were doing. Paul wanted them to continue to work and live and have normal lives - normal lives devoted to Christ.

That exhortation is sandwiched by an appeal to pray as he relies on God's faithfulness to proclaim the word and a closing warning to watch out for those who do not live in obedience to God's word through Paul. Paul closes the letter with a handwritten message to demonstrate that it is genuine. 

Devotional - Never Give Up

I'm tired right now. Really tired. Brutally tired. We traveled to Ohio last weekend for a fairly big family event - my daughter's wedding. Every free moment when we could have rested was devoted to playing with my grandkids who I get so little opportunity to spend time with. Sunday, about 3:30 pm, we headed west and drove till 3 am when we got home. A few hours of sleep did not take the edge off of my exhaustion.

I've never been hit by a train, but I imagine it feels just a little bit like this.

Exhaustion tends to make us want to give up, turn back - it turns us into cowards and lazy slugs. And life in this world has a way of bringing us spiritual exhaustion and discouragement. It can be relentless and overwhelming - temptation and hardship and opposition and obstacles. We have a tendency to want to give up, to walk away, to throw in the towel on our walk with the Lord and our mission for him.

So Paul constantly reminds us, as in verse 13, not to give up, not to become weary in well-doing, not to turn aside. Often he couples this with reminders of the end-time victory of Jesus and the justice he will bring. Sometimes it is associated with the assurance of the completion of the work of salvation that Jesus Christ is going to complete in us. And sometimes it's just a verse like this one, a word of encouragement to suffering, persecuted Christians against whom Satan had thrown his best pitches.

Don't give up, Christian friend. It may be hard today. Maybe it's someone who has let you down or made you angry. Maybe your life circumstances are overwhelming. But Jesus is at work, your sins are forgiven, your destiny is settled, your hope is sure, you are empowered by the indwelling Spirit, you will never be abandoned by your Savior, and the process God has begun in you will be finished by Christ. Don't give up. 
May I never give up, Father, as long as you continue to work in and through me. 
Think and Pray

What is it that is discouraging you and making you want to give up?
Remember those spiritual realities that give you hope, joy and strength to go on. 

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