Thursday, April 14, 2016

Adopted! April 14 Readings: Galatians 4


Galatians 4 continues the argument of chapter 3, the superiority of grace over the law, but here there is a series of metaphors related to our standing as sons and heirs of God through that grace. 

Devotional - Adopted!

The Bible has many metaphors of salvation, each of which tells a grand truth and is a unique part of the work of Christ in us. God SAVES us - rescuing us from the threat brought on by our own sin, which separated us from God and destined us for eternal hell. He also REDEEMED us, purchasing our lives with the blood of his Son, Jesus Christ. That blood CLEANSES us from sin. We are BORN AGAIN by God's grace - given new life and made new creatures in Christ. 

Then, in Galatians 4:4-6. Paul used another metaphor for the grace of God that brings salvation - ADOPTION. 
But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!”
Adoption is not a difficult concept. A child is born into one family, then another family comes along, for a variety of reasons, and adopts the child. That child now is a part of the new family and ties to the old family are generally severed. You cannot get a better picture of salvation than that. 

Because of sin, we are born into the family of this world - this sinful, fallen, hell-bent world. We are part of the family - looking like our family, acting like our family, living like our family. Then along comes God the Father, who says, "I want you to be part of my family." He sent Jesus Christ into the world (at just the right time - see below) to do everything that needed to be done to secure our salvation. Then, he sent the Holy Spirit to woo us and invite us to join God's family. When we repent and believe in Jesus Christ, the adoption papers are signed and we who were part of the family of sinners are now part of God's family of grace. 

And that carries with it a beautiful privilege. We get to call God our "Father." Abba. God is not some distant ruler who cannot be accessed or approached. He is our Abba, our Father in heaven, who loves us and receives us and provides for us and...well, so much more. 

Oh, and one more thing, revealed in verse 7. 
So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God. 
We are not only part of God's family, but we are heirs of the Father, destined to inherit what belongs to him. Think about that - Dave Miller, a sinner, weak, unworthy, flawed in so many ways, destined to inherit the world because I have been adopted by grace into the Father's family. 

Wow. Wow. Wow. Did I mention, wow? 

Imagine a child born to a family of impoverished, low-class thieves and con artists. His destiny is to grow up and join the family business. But one day a rich man traveling through town sees the poor child and "redeems" him from his family. He adopts the child and brings him to live in his glorious home, in a place of privilege. He instructs him about how things are in this new home, using love and discipline to cause him to leave behind the dishonest ways of his birth family and to adopt the ways of his new home. He is an heir to all that his new father has and slowly becomes a part of his new family, living out their values. 

That is pretty much what salvation in Christ is like. Thank God, today, that he took you from your birth family - the world of sin - and brought you into his glorious family through adoption. 

Father. Father. Father! The privilege of calling you that is beyond anything I deserve. Thank you for adopting me, for including me in Christ and in your family. May I, every day, became more like you and live out the values of my heavenly home!

Think and Pray

Thank God today that you are adopted in Christ, that you are a joint-heir with him and part of God's eternal family through the grace of God.

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