Saturday, March 26, 2016

The Song that Never Ends - March 26 Readings: Acts 1


The story of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ continues as he works in and through his disciples who become the Apostles, taking the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth. Acts is sometimes called the "Gospel of the Holy Spirit" and it tells how the Spirit continued the work of Christ. 

Acts 1:8 is not only a theme verse but also an outline of the book. Acts 1-8:3 tell of the spread of the gospel in Jerusalem, then 8:4 through chapter 12 are about the gospel in Judea and Samaria. The remainder of the book, Acts 13-28, is about the message of Jesus going to the ends of the earth, beyond its Jewish roots. 

In Acts 1 there are three primary events. First, there is the introduction in which Luke explains his purpose in writing to this unknown Theophilus. Then he tells of Jesus' last words and the ascension of Jesus into heaven. Finally, the disciples return to Jerusalem and select a replacement for the betrayer, Judas. 

Devotional - The Song that Never Ends
It is the song that never ends.
It just goes on and on my friends. 
That annoying song has been sung on young people's outings for decades, and truly it never ends, my friends. It has a beginning, but the nerves of the adult sponsors run out long before kids got tired of singing the song.

Just like the song, the story of Jesus goes on and on. When the religious leaders crucified him, they thought they were done with Jesus, but they could not have been more wrong. The end of his life was only the beginning of his work.

Luke opened the book of Acts with these words,

I wrote the first narrative, Theophilus, about all that Jesus began to do and teach until the day He was taken up.
All that Jesus BEGAN to do. Began. The story of Jesus did not simply continue in his resurrection, but it continued in the lives of the Apostles in the book of Acts, as the Holy Spirit worked through them to spread the gospel. And that story continues today in us.

We do not study Jesus as simply a man from history, a great philosopher, or a religious guru. He is a living Lord, working in and through us today. Our lives are the continuation of the story of Jesus Christ. He walks in this world today, and he talks, and he reaches out and he displays his love. He does it all through "his body" - the church. That's us, folks!

It is our duty to see that we sing that song well, that we bring honor to the Name and not disgrace. We must serve the gospel with our hearts and souls.

It is a song that never ends.
Father, may my life be a fitting and powerful continuation of the story of Jesus
Think and Pray

Your life is meant to be a continuation of the life and work of Christ? Are you continuing that life, that purpose, that work of Christ on a daily basis? 

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