Tuesday, March 1, 2016

For Man's Applause - March 1 Readings: John 12:20-50


Today's reading, from John, is a climactic moment in Christ's walk toward the Cross. Having cleansed the temple, he faces his own purpose head on. He begins in verse 23-24 by talking about how a grain of wheat has to fall to the ground and die before it can bear fruit. Jesus knows that he can only fulfill his destiny by death.

Verse 23 is rife with irony. "The time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified." Think of what was about to happen to him. Arrest. Trial. Beating. Mocking. A crown of thorns. Carrying his cross. Nails in his hands and feet. Agony. And he called this being "glorified." Only Jesus would say that, because he realized that the path to greatness was to lay down his life for the world. In verses 25-26, he called his disciples to follow him on the path of the cross, giving up their lives to him and for the sake of others.

The rest of the passage is a declaration by Jesus of his intent to die and a a confrontation of the unbelief of many of the religionists. Jesus also declared his intent to save the world by his death.
This is a powerful passage, eternally significant. 

Devotional - For Man's Applause

As the final clash neared, the sides were chosen. Many loved him and were excited about the things he was saying and doing. Others were plotting his demise, scheming to have him betrayed and planning his execution. But there was a third group, a large group, but a sad group as well.
Nevertheless, many even of the authorities believed in him, but for fear of the Pharisees they did not confess it, so that they would not be put out of the synagogue(John 12:42)
There was a large group among the powerful and influential of Jerusalem, among the rulers of the city, who believed that Jesus was the Christ, God's chosen one for his people. But these were the silent saints who put their power and prestige ahead of their beliefs. They did not want to lose their places of honor or be kicked out of the synagogue, so they shut up about Jesus.

While the religious leaders plotted and planned, they did nothing. While they schemed against Jesus, these men did not whisper a complaint. They cared too much about themselves.

Were they true disciples? I do not know and cannot say. Perhaps later they made complete commitments to Christ and stood for him. We will only know in heaven. But this we know - at this point they put their own needs, status and reputation ahead of Christ. Look at the indictment John gave against them in verse 43.
For they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God.
They cared more about what other people thought of them than what God thought of them. They lived to please others instead of God. Their lives were defined by the opinions of others more than God's. And that is sin!

May we never be those who live for self and according to the opinions of man for the praise of man. May we be those who live for God's glory and to hear heaven's applause.
Father, you know that my heart loves to hear the applause of man and that all too often I am controlled by the opinions of others about me. Break me, Lord, of that sinful slavery and give me the freedom to live for your pleasure and yours alone. 
Think and Pray

Are you ever tempted to keep your convictions silent, to shade the truth or withhold its proclamation to protect your position or maintain your status?
How much do you live for the applause of man or the pleasure of God? 

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