Friday, October 9, 2015

The Unworthy Walk Worthy - October 09, Readings: Jeremiah 21-22, Ephesians 4:1–16, Psalm 115:1–7, Proverbs 24:26–27

Links to Today's Readings

Ephesians 1-3 explain in great detail the amazing salvation that God gave us in Christ. He bestowed great blessings on us in Christ and he broke down the walls of hostility between Jews and Gentiles and created one new man - redeemed by Christ. He explored the depths of human sin and the power of a salvation that comes by grace through faith. How great a salvation is ours in Christ.

Then, in Ephesians 4:1, the entire book changes. Chapters 1-3 are doctrinal, examining aspects of our salvation. After 4:1, the book is a series of practical commands. Ephesians 4:1 is the turning point.

 I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called.
We have been called to the amazing grace of Christ. We did not earn it and can never deserve what he did for us. But we are commanded to "walk in a manner worthy of the calling." Having been saved by grace we must walk in a way that brings honor to Christ and demonstrates his redemptive work in us. 

What is a worthy manner? It is, most simply, a walk of obedience to Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit that reflects the salvation we have been given in him. 

A big part of salvation, described in chapter 1, is the breaking down of walls of hostility between Jews and Greeks. So, Paul begins this section with a powerful call to unity. Those who have been redeemed in Christ must walk in unity with others who have also received his grace. Then Paul turns his attention to Christ's work in the church to build us up in unity and bring us to spiritual maturity. As the book goes on we will see calls to walk in holiness and put off the wickedness of the world, to guard our tongues, to be filled with the Spirit, to put on the full armor of God. Ephesians 4-6 is chock full of specific commands that explain to us exactly how we are supposed to walk in that worthy manner. 

The question is simple: does your life adequately reflect the saving work of Christ? Is the manner of your walk worthy of the glories of his salvation? 

I heard a line one time that stuck with me - I have no idea where I heard it first. It was from someone who was feeling the pangs of godly sorrow that was leading to repentance. There was a photo from a movie about the death of Christ, one that showed Jesus suffering on the cross. And the caption said, 
He didn't die like that so that I could live like this!
How about you? Are you walking in a manner that is worthy of the calling? Consider the Cross and all Jesus did there and say, "In the power of the Spirit, I want my life to be a fitting response to the glorious salvation God gave to me." 

Father, too often my life is not a fitting sacrifice, and my walk in not worthy of the calling I received. For that I repent and ask your forgiveness. Make my walk worthy of your grace. 

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