Sunday, October 18, 2015

Bone-breaking Words - October 18, Readings: Jeremiah 39-40, Colossians 1:1–23, Psalm 118:25–29, Proverbs 25:15–16

Links to Today's Readings

There is a simple brilliance to some of the proverbs in Solomon's storehouse of wisdom. They deal with every aspect and area of life, but among the most common are those that deal with our conversation, the way we use our tongues. Proverbs 25:15 is a vivid nugget of wisdom.
With patience a ruler may be persuaded,
    and a soft tongue will break a bone.
What on earth can that second line mean? There is no tongue that is strong enough or hard enough to shatter a bone. It's impossible. But there is a powerful truth behind the figure of speech. It reminds us that our words can have a powerful effect. A tongue is a soft piece of muscle, but it has the ability to accomplish great things - both good and evil.

In this proverb, the point, based on its parallel concept in the first phrase, is that patient, kind and gentle words can persuade, change and alter lives. We do not need to shout or cajole, but our words can still have power. When we speak the word of God the Spirit uses those words in a powerful way, they have a divine power that over time is awesome in effect.

I recently went hiking with some high school friends in the mountains near Santa Fe, New Mexico. do you see the groove in that rock? In the Tsankawi ruins, there are a lot of these. They were actually made over hundreds of  years by the feet of the natives as they walked. They wore deep grooves into the rocks, some came up nearly to my knees. Their light footsteps wore deep grooves in rock over time. It didn't happen overnight, but it happened. It took time, but it happened.

When someone is not listening to the gospel you proclaim or the advice you are giving, don't freak out and lose your cool. It isn't necessary. When you are speaking the truth of God you can wait patiently for the Spirit to use you and to bring about their desired effect. Like the grooves in the rock, it may take time, but God will use your words if they are from his word to accomplish great things.

Father, may the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord. And may they, over time, wear grooves of truth in this world. 

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