Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Living in a Dangerous World - September 16, Readings: Isaiah 43-44, 1 Corinthians 16, Psalm 106:21–27, Proverbs 23:4–5

Links to Today's Readings

There are some things that require detailed and complex instructions. But there are other times that a deep message can be delivered in simple words. Paul is known as the author of some of the longest and most complex sentences in the New Testament. But in 1 Corinthians 16:13, he delivers a simple two word instruction that is powerful and meaningful.
Be watchful. 
Keep your eyes open, brothers and sisters; there is danger all around. Paul was reminding the Corinthians that they live in a world of sin. This world was not their home, but a foreign land hostile to their values and loyal to their enemy. They could not afford to drift with the moral tide but needed to stand strong and firm for God and his kingdom.

That same, simple message is true for us today. We live in a world of snares and traps, temptations and trials. We must remain alert. The Christian who assumes that he is always safe and secure is a fool. We must walk continually in the ways of God, seek him, stay in the Word and in prayer and be constantly ready for everything the enemy may throw at us.

Father, too often I act as if I am living on easy street. Help me to be alert every day.

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