Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Undivided, Undistracted - July 23 Readings: 2 Chronicles 9-10, Acts 18:18–28, Psalm 86:9–17, Proverbs 18:9–10

Links to July 23 Readings: 2 Chronicles 9-10, Acts 18:18–28, Psalm 86:9–17, Proverbs 18:9–10

Life in America in 2014 is a giant distraction. As I sit in my chair and do my work, I have the TV on in the background - just for the noise. My phone is with me almost all the time and I'm checking it for email and Facebook constantly. No matter where I am, people can call me, contact me - it is great for keeping in touch but terrible for concentration. That's just the way life it. Helter-skelter, face paced, break-neck, on-the-go, all the time.

I was thinking recently about how fun life used to be. I'm not trying to moan or complain here; I've got it pretty good. But I remember when I played sports, read books, hung out with friends and just generally enjoyed life. Now, there are bills to pay, business to take care of, people to see, projects to attend. Life just seems so complicated.

Perhaps it is because of this reality that a verse like Psalm 86:11 grabs my heart.
"Give me an undivided mind to fear your name."
My mind is so divided - worshiping God, working at the church, taking care of business, mowing the lawn (too often this wet summer!) and all the other things life demands. It is so hard to concentrate, to get alone and just focus my mind on God with a singular purpose.

I need to shut out the noise, get away from the electronics (yes, I realize the irony of typing that on my laptop!) and focus my mind and heart on the Lord Jesus Christ. Only. Focused.

Father, give me an undivided mind and heart, devoted to you and your kingdom. 

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