Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Worthy in Christ - April 23 Readings: Joshua 19-20, Luke 15:1–10, Psalm 50:18–23, Proverbs 10:26–27

Links to April 23 Readings: Joshua 19-20, Luke 15:1–10, Psalm 50:18–23, Proverbs 10:26–27

It is one of the great ironies of modern life that we spend so much time seeking and trying to convince ourselves of our self-worth; to build our self-esteem. We look inward for our worth, ignoring the reality of our sin and its effects. 

The irony is that the gospel that confronts us with our sin and guilt before God also is the only source of true worth and value we have. Our worth is not found in ignoring our sin but in admitting it and receiving the glories of God's forgiveness and grace. 

Look at Luke 15:1-10 which tells two stories. The first is of a sheep that is lost, having wandered away from the other 99. The second story is similar, a story of one coin of ten that has been lost. In both stories, the owner goes looking for what is lost and does not quit until it is found. 

Jesus leaves no doubt about the meaning of these parables when he says in verse 10:
I tell you, in the same way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels over one sinner who repents.
That is an amazing love. We are sinners who have rebelled against God and lived for ourselves instead of for his glory. But still, heaven rejoices when a guilty, stained, sin-saturated sinner repents.

Our value is found in God's love, in the fact that he seeks us out when we are lost. He pursues us. Salvation is not so much about me finding God as it is about God seeking me and my response. God doesn't sit back demanding that we work our way back to him, but he desires us and seeks us.

My worth and value is found in that love. When I look at my failings and weaknesses I can become insecure and discouraged. But when I remember the amazing love of God I am secure in him.
Lord, thank you for your amazing love that gives me true and eternal worth

1 comment:

  1. These days it seems like in I and my wife's surroundings, with 11 siblings and their families, that we move closer to 1 sheep looking for the 99. 50 years ago it seemed everyone in the family focused on the lost sheep. Now few are looking most seem content and the searcher is singled out and not keeping up with the times. We need to reverse the trend one sheep at a time.
