Thursday, April 10, 2014

Choose Life - April 10 Readings: Deuteronomy 30, Luke 9:1–22, Psalm 45:1–8, Proverbs 9:11–12

Links to April 10 Readings: Deuteronomy 30, Luke 9:1–22, Psalm 45:1–8, Proverbs 9:11–12

Too often, we take deep teachings of the Word of God and turn them into some kind of lightweight motivational jargon, often missing the original point of the text. Deuteronomy 30:19-20 is one of those passages. It is used as a slogan, but its teachings go far beyond the way it is often used. 

"Choose life," the passage says. And too often we hear something like, "Embrace that which is fine and good and noble in life. Choose to have a good attitude, to suck the marrow out of the bones of life, to be all you can be. Choose to live life to the fullest." While we can debate how good any of that advice is, it cannot be debated that God's words to Moses meant something very different than that. 

You have read the chapter, now look again at these two verses. 
“I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life so that you and your descendants may live, love the Lord your God, obey Him, and remain faithful to Him. For He is your life, and He will prolong your life in the land the Lord swore to give to your fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”
This passage likely refers back to the time on Mt. Gerizim and Mt. Ebal, the blessings and curses there, and the strong warnings of Deuteronomy 28. God has set forth clearly two roads down which Israel can walk. One is the road of life and of blessing. To walk that road is to "love the Lord your God, obey him and remain faithful to him." It is to realize that God himself is life, that life comes from him and from no one or no place else. Life is about glorifying and serving God. 

The path of death and curse, also alluded to here, is the path of rebellion, idolatry, and sinfulness that Israel walked for so much of its history. When we turn from God to walk our own way, we set in motion a process that results in negative consequences, "bitter fruit" that we reap. 

To choose life is not about maintaining a positive mental attitude, believing in yourself, or going for all the gusto life has to offer. Choosing life is about giving it to God, loving and serving him with all your heart and walking in obedience to him instead of living to please oneself. It is about the way you live, the choices you make and the goal of your life. 

Deuteronomy 30:20 is clear. Life is not about how much fun you have, or what you achieve, or what others think of you. “He is your life.” Life, real life, is about living for the glory of God, the source and purpose of life. 
Father, you are my life. Forgive me for when I have chosen the things of this world, the way of death and curse. But today I choose life! I desire to walk in you and your ways. 

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