Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January 28 Readings Exodus 8-9, Matthew 18, Psalm 18:1-4, Proverbs 3:13-15

Links to today's readings: Exodus 8-9, Matthew 18, Psalm 18:1-4, Proverbs 3:13-15

Pharaoh was a real piece of work. In the face of massive and destructive plagues sent by God on him and his people, he hardened his rebellious heart. Arrogant and self-glorying, he refused to acquiesce to God's will or to Moses' demands. He resisted, time and again. He changed his mind, went back on his word, tried to bargain with God. 

But what Pharaoh did in Exodus 8:10 was just plain strange. 

Moses has appeared before him and turned the water to blood, but his heart was unmoved. Moses returned a second time to announce a plague of frogs to plague the land and soon the land was overrun with croaking nuisances. This got annoying quickly and Pharaoh called Moses back before him.  Pray and ask God to remove the frogs, he begged Moses. That is when things got strange. 

Moses asked him an odd question, in verse 9.  “When?”  When do you want me to pray and ask God to remove the plague? I am not sure why God led Moses to do that, but it revealed something of the heart of the king. 

Pharaoh's answer was simply crazy. If you are being surrounded by frogs who are dying and stinking up the world, when would you want them gone. How about right now? This very minute. That is the only sensible response. But that was not what Pharaoh asked for. "Tomorrow," he said. Tomorrow? Really? You want to spend another night with this plague? 

There is a famous old sermon called, "One More Night with the Frogs." That is precisely what Pharaoh asked for. One more night. Why? Why, when the deliverance of God was immediately available would anyone wait another minute must less another night? What other reason could there be? 

But there is no time like now to obey God. Procrastination only magnifies the problem it does not provide a solution. If there is sin in your life that is hindering your spiritual growth and your ability to make a difference in the Kingdom of God, deal with it today. If there are habits you need to break by the Spirit's power, do it today. If there are other habits you need to build, do not delay. Waiting until tomorrow will do nothing but increase your sorrow. Is there a ministry God has called you to? Get moving! 

Don't spend another night with the frogs. The power of the Crucified and Risen Christ is available to you today and there is nothing to be gained by putting him off!
Father, work in me today. Purify my heart today. Fill me with zeal for your kingdom today. Remove from me that which hinders your work in me and build in me the Fruit of the Spirit that I might be all you have called me to be - TODAY!


  1. Vs. 34 in chapter 9 says that Pharoah sinned and hardened his heart, but every other verse that this was stated in today's reading says that God hardened Pharoah's heart. Is there a difference in the way this was stated in the original Hebrew?

  2. No, it is one of those mysteries of the sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man. The text says both that Pharaoh hardened his own heart and that God hardened it. I believe that God uses even our sinful will for his purposes. And beyond a doubt, God does not cause evil or make a good person do wrong. But God can and does govern the evil of evil men and use it for his purposes.

    I will explain it fully once we get to heaven.
